On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 20:58 -0500, Tanner Swett wrote:
> I think I agree that rule 754 is useless, except that I think this
> part of it is very significant: "A difference between two nonempty
> spans of whitespace is inconsequential in all forms of communication
> for all purposes." Maybe we should amend it to say just that.

Right, that part does do something.

However, it isn't necessarily something positive. (Especially as
proposals often mention paragraphs, a concept that doesn't exist if
you're conflating different amounts of whitespace.) I can't think of any
problem that solves, and there are definitely problems it causes.

Pavitra wrote:
> Doesn't R754 get cited in judgements all the time?

Yes, but the judgements would come to the same result anyway (they'd
just omit the "R754 says we have to use the common-language definition"
bit, and just use the common-language definition).


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