On Fri, 5 Apr 2013, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Tanner Swett wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:29 AM, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:08 AM, Tanner Swett <swe...@mail.gvsu.edu> 
> > > wrote:
> > >> I call a CFJ on the following statement: A person CAN violate Rule 101
> > >> by failing to treat Agora right good forever without violating any
> > >> other regulation found in Rule 101.
> > >
> > > Evidence: CFJ 2515.
> > 
> > I intend, with such-and-such support, to file a Motion to Reconsider
> > CFJ 2515. Arguments: in my opinion, the requirement is too vague to be
> > enforceable.
>        If a non-Appeals judicial case (1) has a judgement that has been
>        in effect for less than seven days and not been appealed,
>                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [FWIW, I agree with you].

Aaaand you sent that to discussion, so you knew that.

More coffee for me.

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