Seems like a risky proposition. It would prohibit any non-instruments
from altering any aspect of a player that "affects eir operation";
given that players are not in-game entities, it's not obvious what
these aspects are. I suppose the most likely candidates for
"substantive aspects" of players are their Citizenship, Activity,
VVLOP, and Posture, and any other switches I've missed. So this
proposal would prevent non-postulees from changing postulees' VVLOP or
Posture; in particular, if the CotC were ever a non-postulee (which
will never happen), and there were at least one sitting postulee, it
would be IMPOSSIBLE for the CotC to rotate the bench.

As for the second paragraph of this rule, entities with power less
than 1 CANNOT make rule changes by any means under any circumstances
(although they can cause the rules to change themselves), so that
paragraph is ineffective. I'm not sure what it's intended to prevent;
there's no reason to expect that making players instruments with power
less than 1 would allow them to make rule changes.


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