On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 10:36 PM, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it.  For this decision, the eligible
> voters are the active first-class players at the time of this
> distribution, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).
> Quorum is 5.
> Pool report: The Proposal Pool is empty.
> 7471 2    0 O   Murphy      Not that large
> 7472 2    0 O   omd, etc.   Spelling abuse capitalisation VLOP 2.0
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 7471 (AI=2, PF=Y0, Ordinary, Interested) by Murphy
> Not that large
> Amend Rule 2378 (Court Protector) by replacing this text:
>       A CFJ may be submitted to the Ambassador-At-Large.
> with this text:
>       When initiating a judicial case, a person CAN submit it to the
>       Ambassador-At-Large by clearly announcing that e does so.
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 7472 (AI=2, PF=Y0, Ordinary, Interested) by omd, ais523
> Spelling abuse capitalisation VLOP 2.0
> Amend Rule 2389 (Ordinary Chamber) to read:
>       Ordinary is a Voting Chamber.
>       Keyword is a player switch, tracked by the Lexicographor, whose
>       value is a string of case-sensitive letters, and default is "E".
>       The voting limit of an eligible voter on an Ordinary Decision
>       is the number of letters in eir Keyword if e is a player, or 1
>       otherwise.
>       Tiles are a class of assets tracked by the Lexicographor and
>       restricted to players.  Each Tile is labeled with an English
>       letter from A to Z.  When an entity becomes eligible for a
>       number of Tiles, the Lexicographor CAN once award em that number
>       of Tiles by announcement, specifying their Letters, and SHALL do
>       so in a timely fashion; e SHALL randomly pick the letters using
>       the same distribution as English Scrabble.
>       Every week, each first-class player becomes eligible for 2
>       Tiles.  When a first-class person registers, e becomes eligible
>       for 5 Tiles.
>       A player CAN spend either X Yaks, where X is the value of the
>       Tile Fee, a Budget Switch, or 5 Tiles, to become eligible for 3
>       Tiles by announcement.
>       An eligible word is a string of letters found as a word in
>       either the text of a Rule or the English Open Word List, case
>       insensitively.  The following actions CAN be taken by
>       announcement, but only if the resulting Keyword is an eligible
>       word:
>       - A player CAN spend a Tile to add its letter to a specified
>         player's Keyword in lowercase.
>       - A player CAN spend a Tile to remove its letter once from a
>         specified player's Keyword in lowercase.
>       - A player CAN spend 2 Tiles to move an instance of one of the
>         Tiles' letters in lowercase within a specified player's
>         Keyword.
>       - A player CAN spend any number of Tiles to append their letters
>         capitalized in any order to eir own Keyword; for this purpose,
>         e can spend any 3 Tiles as if they were a Tile with a
>         specified letter.
>       - A player CAN spend 2 Tiles to remove any number of consecutive
>         letters from eir own Keyword.
>       Note: The English Open Word List can be found at
>       http://dreamsteep.com/projects/the-english-open-word-list.html
> Set the Tile Fee to 80.
> Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player becomes eligible for 5 Tiles.
> [Pruned back down compared to the last proto version of this.
> Yes, this overloads an existing office - but the name is perfect, that
> office doesn't do very much currently, and we have a lot of offices as
> is, so why not?]

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