On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:07 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I transfer 25 points from omd to FSX.
> I transfer 20 points from  Walker to Yally.
> I transfer 20 points from Chuck to Michael.
> I transfer 20 points from ehird to scshunt.
> I transfer 10 points from myself to Murphy.
> -Goethe.

I invoke judgement on whether Rule 304 had the power to repeal itself
without that rule change being voted on. I think that all rule changes
must be voted on and cannot occur automatically.

I propose the following amendment to Rule 306:

A player may transfer points to another player by posting to that
effect on the mailing list. When this amendment is adopted, for each
transfer away from the points' owner by another player since this
proposal was submitted, that transfer is reversed if possible.


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