On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote: > VICTORY ANNOUNCEMENT > G. has satisfied the Victory Condition of Renaissance, and > satisfies no Losing Conditions. > > -G.
Do you think, perhaps, that the threshold should be increased to 10 or more? A characteristic of the original win by renaissance is that you needed an Indigo Ribbon, making it quite difficult. I understand the desire not to replicate that, but there are currently 8 "easy" ribbons (counting either T or the V you get from winning by Renaissance) and that means only one tricky one, and that might easily be M. Proposal: Actually Make It Harder (AI=1, PF=0, disi.) {{{ Amend Rule 2387 by replacing "a Patent Title other than Renascent" with "a Patent Title other than Renascent or Champion". }}} -scshunt