On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Charles Walker
<charles.w.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good spot. I initiate an election for Ambassador at Large and nominate myself.
> Manifesto:
> - I'll actively search for foreign nomics and attempt to recognise
> them, while maintaining strict criteria for which nomics deserve
> recognition (look like they're going to last long enough to make it
> worthwhile, not just being played on a forum about some specific thing
> unrelated to nomic).
> - Given the broad definition of a nomic in Rule 2368, I'll also
> attempt to recognise entities which might not normally be thought of
> as nomics where appropriate and where meaningful relations can be
> entered into. Or, you know, if we want to recognise Canada or Hilary
> Clinton or something.
> - While there is no Envoy, I'll also perform eir duties.
> - Where an invasion is appropriate, I'll coordinate it (privately, of
> course) so as to ensure Agora's victory.
> - Finally, I'll be able to perform the Ambassador's judicial role.
> -- Walker

That's awesome. =)

Also, you can just assume it if you want to be A-a-L in the meantime. =P

~ Roujo

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