On 8/6/13 14:14 , Charles Walker wrote:
> I'd really appreciate some feedback on the following, in particular
> whether the ###-delimited section should be removed or not, but also
> generally.
> Just about everything you can do in the game is done "by announcement"
> or by "publishing" something. You do both of these things by sending a
> message to a public forum (all of the mailing lists are public apart
> from agora-discussion, which is for discussion only), usually
> agora-business. To do something "by announcement", you simply send a
> message stating that you do that thing, e.g. you register by sending a
> message saying "I register".

You should mention that we are not picky about the form of the announcement.
Ideally, we'd get across enough so new players know they can guess the wording
and it'll probably be okay; and aren't confused to learn that a synonym like
"I CFJ on: X" satisfies "initiat[ing] an inquiry case by announcement,
specifying a block of text".

> IV. Registering
> Now you're on the mailing lists, messages should start coming in. Most
> of them won't make any sense to you, which is fine. You can either
> register straight away by sending a message to agora-business saying
> "I register", or watch the game for a while and try to get the hang of
> things before you join. It's up to you. You can even ask to be listed
> on the Registrar's report as a Watcher, either by sending a message to
> the lists or by contacting the Registrar directly.
> Once you've sent that message - "I register" - you're a player. It's
> as simple as that really. New players have no particular obligation to
> do anything, but this guide will tell you about some of the things you
> can take part in: proposals, voting, CFJs, offices and the economy.
> See Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) for more information on 
> registering.
> V. The Rules
> But first, a brief interlude about the rules. Newly registered players
> should recieve copies of the rules from the Rulekeepor.

Point to the current web location for the rules (presently

> The proposal uses three magic words "enact", "amend" and "repeal".
> These refer to creating, changing and deleting a rule, respectively.
> When you refer to rules, use the ID number as well as the title to
> make it easy for everyone to refer to the rules you are talking about
> and know what your proposal does.

You should point out that the formatting and phrasing of the proposal is a
convention not a requirement. [So players don't need to worry that their
proposal won't work because it says "Create" instead of "Enact" or "Change"
instead of "Amend", etc.]


> If you want to start judging cases yourself, send a message saying "I
> sit." Soon enough a message will start come through assigning a case
> to you. Once assigned, you have a week to make your judgement. See
> Rule 1871 (The Standing Court) for more information on becoming a
> judge.

Did you forgot about Initial Posture?

You should point out that you can undo this for free with "I become supine."
You should point out that you can recuse yourself from any case for free.

> Most officers have a weekly or monthly report which they publish to
> agora-official so that everyone knows what is going on in their part
> of the gamestate.
> If the holder of an office becomes inactive or deregisters, anyone can
> assume the office and start performing its duties.

Suggest citing Rule 2276 here.

- woggle

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