On 2014-01-02 8:43 PM, Alex Smith wrote:
On Thu, 2014-01-02 at 20:37 -0500, Fool wrote:
Hmmm... I'm pretty sure he meant to repeal all the rules. We can go
ahead and figure this out without knowing what the end state is, no? We
should be able to come up with a generic way to replace the ruleset with
some "bootstrap" rule that replaces itself with an arbitrary ruleset, or
something like that.

Arguably, one of the reasons Agora's survived so long is not just that
the players are generally opposed to mass ruleset replacements (which
have a tendency to kill nomics outright: look at what happened to
Nomicapolis), but that the rules themselves make mass replacements very

Setting aside the question of whether you _want_ to do this... I wonder if it really is very difficult to do. I can see that the naïve method runs into trouble, but with some thought, we should be able to, let's say, come up with a generic Agoran proposal to replace the entire ruleset with something arbitrary.

It sort of looks like there would have to be _some_ constraints on the target ruleset, but we should be able to get away with something pretty minimal. Let's say, all target rules are numbered, no numbers less than 100 (I'm suggesting this so that bootstrap interim rules can have numbers less than this, and in the interim, they supercede everything.) Is that enough of a constraint or do we need more?

 Repeal everything but the proposal, rule-change, and precedence rules
 Amend the precedence rule
 Enact interim rules
The interim rules specify that once they are enacted, further changes happen.

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