On Oct 30, 2014, at 3:43 AM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> On 30 October 2014 04:45, Tanner Swett <tannersw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 24, 2014, at 2:02 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
>>> I punch the Bard in the face.
>> Inside the inn, we find the Bard and some unknown character, whom we 
>> designate AQ. The Bard is singing merrily, and AQ, evidently growing 
>> impatient with eir singing voice, punches the Bard in the face, giving em a 
>> black eye and a nosebleed. (Attack roll: d20 -> 19. Armor class: 10. Hit for 
>> d3 -> 2 nonlethal damage. Hit points: 3 out of 3. Nonlethal damage points: 
>> 2.)
>> "Hey!" the innkeeper roars at AQ. "What the hell do you think you're doing? 
>> You need to leave, right now!"
> I (that is, AQ) leave right now. I hang around the general vicinity,
> intending to be present wherever something interesting happens next
> (dunno if that requires a skill or move or something like that).

AQ walks out of the room, and the innkeeper seems reluctantly satisfied. The 
Bard makes a full recovery.

On Oct 30, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
> Oscarosaurus grazes in the farmland near the inn.  E tries to determine if 
> the strange music has a good STOMP beat.  (It's hard to enjoy music any other 
> way when you lack opposable thumbs or nimble ankles.)

I could be mistaken, but I don't believe the Bard's music is quite that style 
of music.


A woman in eir sixties, with messy white hair and a gaunt face, is walking down 
the road to Knifford, with a preoccupied expression. E comes across DN and 
Pythagorclid and stops and sighs.

"You two wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?" e asks. "You 
probably know about the old monastery about an hour's walk to the north of 
here. It's been abandoned for the past thirty years. I don't know why they 
left—I was there one day and they were there, and I came back again later and 
they were gone. Anyway, I guess some new people have moved in. I don't think 
they're good news.

"I only saw one of them when I was there today. I figured they'd be friendly 
folk—after all, the old monks, worshippers of Luss, were. So I asked the person 
I saw how they were doing, and e just said they were fine and wanted to be left 
alone. I asked if e was a worshipper of Luss, and e just got angry. E said that 
I'd better leave right away, or else e'd tear my head off! I hope e was joking, 
but in any case, I didn't stick around.

"I've heard about evil priests and their rituals. If these new monks are that 
sort, I shudder to think what they might be up to."

After finishing here, the woman goes by the inn and mentions the same thing to 
Oscarosaurus, AQ, and the Bard. (Presumably the mailing list posts about these 
discussions will come out of chronological order. Even though the woman 
finishes her discussion with DN and Pythagorclid before she ever meets the 
other player characters, these threads can all happen simultaneously.)

—the Warrigal

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