You might want to have a look at the IADoP report I prepared for my
planned deputisation, see below.

I've fixed the spurious misalignments, added the Agoran Newspaper in
the list of reports and added a column with the spending power of the
various offices which you're supposed to track.

Offices and Reports

Date of this report: Sun 19 Apr 15
Date of last report: Sat 28 Mar 15

Rule  Office          SP  Holder        Since      Last Election
 991  Arbitor          1  G.            15 Oct 14   7 Apr 14
2137  Assessor         1  G.            11 Feb 15  12 Jul 14
2437  Dungeon Master~  1  G.            26 Jan 15  30 Oct 14
 649  Herald           1  G.            12 Jan 15  30 Oct 14
2138  IADoP*           1  Murphy        11 Nov 14  30 Oct 14
2440  King Azaz        1  (vacant)      13 Apr 15    never
2423  Prime Minister   2  Henri         11 Nov 14  30 Oct 14
1607  Promotor         4  aranea        26 Oct 14  13 Jul 14
2426  Referee          1  G.             7 Jan 15  21 Dec 14
2139  Registrar        1  woggle        30 Aug 14  31 Aug 14
1051  Rulekeepor       2  G.            18 Apr 15   3 Jun 14
 103  Speaker**        2  omd            1 May 14  21 Apr 14
2438  Tailor           1  aranea         4 Nov 14    never

SP  Spending power (cf. Rule 2445)
*   Interstellar Associate Director of Personnel
**  Imposed
~   May not exist (cf. Rulekeepor note about Rule 2437)

Office          Report (* = monthly)   Last Published
Dungeon Master  Province changes       Sun  9 Nov 14
                *Province state        Sun  9 Nov 14
Herald          The Agoran Newspaper   Tue 14 Apr 15
                *Patent Titles         Tue 14 Apr 15
IADoP           Offices                  see above
King Azaz       Word Cards             Mon 24 Nov 14
Promotor        Proposal Pool          Sat 18 Apr 15
Registrar       Players, Fora          Mon  6 Apr 15
Rulekeepor      Short Logical Ruleset  Sat 18 Apr 15
                *Full Logical Ruleset  Sun  2 Nov 14
Tailor          Ribbons                Thu 16 Apr 15

Recent events
Tue 16 Dec 14 01:01:26  Erivitus resigns as Referee and Minister of GNP
Sun 21 Dec 14 20:00:02  Elections/voting initiated for Referee and
                           Minister of GNP
Sun 28 Dec 14 20:00:02  Voting ends for Referee and Minister of GNP
Wed  7 Jan 15 20:50:57  G. deputises for Referee
Mon 12 Jan 15 18:45:34  G. deputises for Herald
Mon 26 Jan 15 20:09:52  G. deputises for Dungeon Master
Wed 11 Feb 15 18:21:58  G. deputises for Assessor
Wed 11 Feb 15 18:21:58  Proposal 7729 mandates a weekly Herald report
Wed 11 Feb 15 18:21:58  Proposal 7731 repeals Minister GNP
----- time of last report -----
Mon 13 Apr 15 22:30:39  omd resigns as King Azaz and Rulekeepor
Sat 18 Apr 15 00:14:08  G. deputises for Rulekeepor
----- future events -----


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