Forgot to add: I'd be happy to start collecting the most recent versions of
reports in a git to get the ball rolling on this. Was there a structure in
mind besides a single folder with each report as its own markdown file?

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Nich Del <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 7:35 PM, omd <> wrote:
>> I suppose we could also require occasionally republishing wiki reports
>> to a public forum, but I don't think it's necessary.
> I think publishing regularly on the forum would be good because 1) it
> means players don't have to check the wiki if they don't want to and 2) it
> sets a sort of regular deadline for the officeholder to update/ensure the
> accuracy of the wiki.
>> Any comments?  Anyone really hate wikis?
> Only concern is that decentralizing updates makes it a potential 'not my
> problem' scenario. If players are allowed to submit their actions to the
> records, officeholders may assume they do, and players may assume the
> officeholder does. Which is part of why I think making the officeholder
> publish to the forums still is a good idea; it becomes their problem.

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