There's been some frustration voiced about the three mailing list system,
again. I say again because there was a plan to migrate the mailing lists to
a unified solution this summer, but it fell by the wayside as, presumably,
the mailing list maintainer got busy. But now it's being brought up again.
I thought we'd have a unified discussion for it instead of putting it in
replies to other things.

(I'd like to link you to the appropriate discussions from this summer, but
since they're split among multiple archives it's difficult. Look in your
history, or the archives' history, for "Future of Agora", "might as well
try for a show of hands" and "Rule Improvements".)

1) OFF, BUS, and DIS. The split is useful, yes, but also a relic. One
reason we maintain this split (besides an incredible conservatism) is
because it prevents accidental action-taking or burying actions in mounds
of discussion. There's probably better solutions to this though.

2) Combining BUS and DIS. I'm not against this, but would like some sort of
Subject convention that makes it remain easy to find office-relevant

3) The /other/ discussion forum: IRC. We're still using IRC. I'm 24, and
the fact that I know what IRC is is an anomaly. We're not going to bring
any youngsters into the IRC fold, especially when much nicer IRC-like
solutions like Discord and Slack dominate. Speaking of, I saw that
BlogNomic has a Slack and wondered what it'd be like to have a unified
Slack/Discord for nomics. For those of you unfamiliar: you have a server
with some number of text and voice channels. Slack's very popular among
tech and freelance professionals, and Discord is very popular among
gamers/them youths. Both are accessible from websites, downloadable
clients, and smartphone apps. We could co-operate with BlogNomic and have a
unified Nomic server with channels for each nomic, as well as a general
channel. No longer fragmented kingdoms of yore.

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