Or, if you want it sooner, I can rush it through, but it won't have the
usual formatting.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:40 PM Aris Merchant <
thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll distribute this soon, in the next few days. Sorry about the delay.
> -Aris
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 2:58 PM Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> I pend the following proposal.
> -o
> > On Nov 18, 2016, at 10:31 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> >
> > […] I submit the following proposal in its place:
> >
> > Title: Simple Economics v2
> > Adoption index: 2.0
> > Author: o
> > Co-author(s): nichdel, G., Ørjan
> >
> > Enact a new rule (P=2) titled "Economics" which reads:
> >
> >     Agora, each player, and each organization have corresponding
> >     switches known as Balance switches. Each Balance switch's possible
> >     values are integers. Agora's Balance's default value is 1000. Each
> >     player and organization's Balance's default value is 0. Balances
> >     are tracked by the Secretary. The unit for Balance values is shiny
> >     (pl. shinies).
> >
> >     If Agora, a player, or an organization (A) 'pays' X shinies to
> >     Agora, a player, or an organization (B), A's Balance is decreased
> >     by X and B's Balance is increased by X. Any attempt to pay a
> >     negative amount is INEFFECTIVE, regardless of rules to the
> >     contrary.
> >
> >     Any player CAN pay Agora, any other player, or any organization
> >     any amount by announcement, unless it would make eir own balance
> >     negative. Any attempt by a player to PAY any amount that would make
> >     eir own balance negative is INEFFECTIVE, rules to the contrary
> >     notwithstanding.
> >
> >     Any organization CAN pay Agora, any player, or any other
> >     organization by announcement by a member of said organization,
> >     as specified in the charter of said organization, unless it would
> >     make the organization's balance negative. Any attempt by any player
> >     to cause an organization to pay any amount that would make that
> >     organization's balance negative is INEFFECTIVE, rules to the
> >     contrary notwithstanding.
> >
> >     The Secretary CAN cause Agora to pay any player or organization by
> >     announcement if doing so is specified by a rule.
> >
> > [It's intentional that Agora's balance can be negative, the next part
> > should clarify why. Also, this basically allows organizations to do
> > whatever they want with the currency. If this passes I'll do an
> > overhaul of organizations to remove budgets.]
> >
> > Enact a new rule (P=1) titled "Payday" which reads:
> >
> >     At the start of each month, if Agora's Balance is not 0 or less,
> >     the Secretary SHALL, within 7 days, cause Agora to pay each player
> >     10 shinies, plus another 10 shinies for each office that player
> >     holds.
> >
> >     If Agora's Balance becomes 0 or less before every player is paid,
> >     the Secretary SHALL continue to cause Agora to pay until every
> >     player has been paid.
> >
> > [This is simplistic, but we can flesh it out later. I imagine pay rates
> > being set during elections. Making sure everyone is paid makes
> > monopolies more difficult.]
> >
> > Enact a new rule (P=1) titled "You can't take it with you" which reads:
> >
> >     "Heir" is a person switch, tracked by the Registrar, whose value
> >     is either empty or the name of a player or organization. Each
> >     person's Heir is empty by default. A player may flip eir Heir by
> >     announcement.
> >
> >     When a player is deregistered, if eir Heir switch is not empty,
> >     e automatically pays all of eir Balance to the named player or
> >     organization. Otherwise, if eir Heir switch is empty, e may
> >     specify another player, an organization, or Agora and pay all of
> >     eir Balance to the specified player or organization. If the player
> >     does not do so within 1 day of deregistration, the Secretary
> >     CAN and SHALL cause that player to pay eir Balance to Agora, by
> >     announcement.
> >
> > [Simple enough, the shinies have to go somewhere, but you can specify
> > where. Could be given to an organization to hold until you reregister,
> > or some other shenanigans.]
> >
> > Amend rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by making it read, in full:
> >
> >     Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
> >     proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending"
> >     or "not pending" (default).
> >
> >     Pending List Price is an integer switch, tracked by the Promotor,
> >     whose default value is 5. At the beginning of every month, the
> >     Pending List Price is set to the mean of the price paid for each
> >     proposal pended in the previous month, rounded down. If less than
> >     2 proposals were pended in the previous month, the Pending List
> >     Price is set to its default.
> >
> >     Pending Minimum Price is, at all times, 9/10ths of the Pending
> >     List Price, rounded down.
> >
> >     Any player CAN pay Agora a specified amount, which is no less than
> >     the Pending Minimum Price, to flip a proposal's imminence to
> >     "pending" by announcement. If the specified amount is less than the
> >     Pending Minimum Price, then the attempt to pay is INEFFECTIVE, and
> >     the proposal's imminence is not flipped.
> >
> > [A weird pay-what-you want system, meant to roughly approximate an
> > auction. The price can go down, but it's far easier for it to go up.
> > The less than 2 limit makes it difficult to raise the price to insane
> > levels. In the future I'd like to do similar for Cards, and possibly
> > CFJs and Voting Power.]

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