This certainly makes agencies more interesting to make - no conditional
powers feels pretty restrictive.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 23:24 Aris Merchant <> wrote:

> Title: Free Agency
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s): ais523
> Amend Rule 2467, "TLAs", by:
>  changing its name to "Agencies";
>  and by changing the paragraph beginning "The Powers of an Agency..." to
> read:
>     The Powers of an Agency must be stated as actions, although they may
>     may be conditional on date, time, game state, or other preconditions.
>     If condition(s) are specified as necessary for a power to be used, it
>     is limited; otherwise, it is unlimited. If it attempts to specify a
>     power in a manner that is unclear, ambiguous, circular, inconsistent,
>     paradoxical, or that depends on information that is impossible or
>     unreasonably difficult to determine, then the specification of that
>     power is invalid, and it CANNOT be used. [Some wording borrowed from
>     Rule 2460.]

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