This should free up a large sum of money for Agora.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
<> wrote:
> As per my previously stated intent, I hereby act as Registrar to
> deregister each of aranea,
> Charles, Henry, Roujo, Sci_Guy12, Tekneek, Yally, and Zachary Watterson.
> ----
> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:
>> Date of this payday: Mon  1 May, 2017
>> Date of last payday: Sat  1 Apr, 2017
>> As Secretary, it is my pleasure to report that Agora has paid the
>> following salaries to players:
>> Player                       Shinies
>> ------------------------------------
>> ais523                            10
>> aranea                            10
>> Aris                              10
>> Charles                           10
>> G.                                10
>> Henri                             10
>> Murphy                            10
>> nichdel                           10
>> o                                 10
>> omd                               10
>> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus   10
>> Quazie                            10 !
>> Roujo                             10
>> Sci_Guy12                         10
>> Sprocklem                         10
>> Tekneek                           10
>> Warrigal, the                     10
>> Yally                             10
>> Zachary Watterson                 10
>> 天火狐                             10
>> Records marked with a ! are provisional until Quazie's status as a
>> player is resolved. If e is not a player, e receives 0 Shinies in
>> salary.
>> Additionally, Agora has paid the following salaries to officers:
>> Player          Office      Payrate
>> -----------------------------------
>> Agora’s balance is, as of this Payday, -145 Shinies (if Quazie is not a
>> player) or -155 Shinies (if Quazie is a player).

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