Many voting scams in the past have end up in a race condition,
dependent on voting on the last minute.  Here's a proto to address 
that in general (and maybe even make it an interesting endgame).

Just phrased generally to get feedback, need to figure out which rules
it needs to overrule, etc.

Rule:  Last-Minute Voting Policy

   If a player, who is not in Timeout on a particular decision, casts, 
   withdraws, or otherwise changes, or clearly attempts to cast, 
   withdraw, or otherwise or change a ballot on a decision, within 
   30min before the end of its voting period, then;

      1.  The voting period is extended 30 min.  It is considered In
          Overtime during this extension period;
      2.  That player goes into Timeout on that decision.

   A player who is in timeout on a decision CANNOT cast, withdraw, or
   otherwise change a ballot on that decision when its voting period
   is In Overtime, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Implication; if you vote at the very end of a decision period, it
extends 30min, but you can't do any more voting (or further extend

Implication:  If a scam depends on "who posts closest to the end of
the voting period", your success depends on the size of your 
coalition.  The scammer has to reveal eir scam, which gives people 
a 30min chance to respond.  If someone responds, then e is also knocked
out, then a co-conspirator can counter-respond, etc.

Winner is last coalition with a counter-responder.

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