I'm fairly certain that if the bar is that intent must be "[clear] and
reasonably [unambiguous]" and the best that can be said in favor is "some
argument," this post does not meet that bar. There is a non-zero amount of
reasonably ambiguous language and intent which makes me believe this would
not count as a registration.

If the post used any language implying Playership like a synonym or
conjugation of "play" or "join," I'd agree that it's reasonably
unambiguous. As is, I'm not convinced.

Also sorry to Cuddlebeam. We just had a kerfuffle about this yesterday,
which is probably a reason why it's a Big Deal.


On May 20, 2017 11:30 AM, "Nic Evans" <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There's some argument to be made that sending a message to BUS suggest e
> intended to do an action, and the most reasonable action is registration...
> On 05/20/2017 11:25 AM, Quazie wrote:
> Okay - So this one certainly isn't a registration, right?  This is just an
> introduction to a CuddleBeam.
> On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:12 AM CuddleBeam <cuddleb...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello I am Cuddlebeam!
>> I hope this message goes through lol.

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