On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Proposal: "Recuuuuuse me princess" AI=1
> {{{
>   Create a new rule entitied 'Recusal' Power = 1 with the following text
>   {{{
>     A judge may recuse emself from a CFJ they are assigned to.
>     When a judge recuses emself, the CFJ remains open, and becomes
> unassigned.

>     A judge SHOULD suggest another judge for the CFJ to make the Arbitor's
> job easier.

Should this clause indicate that the SHOULD clause applies only to the
judge that is recusing emself? For example, "A judge recusing emself using
this rule SHOULD suggest another judge for the CFJ ey are recusing emself
from, to make the Arbitor's job easier"

>     When a player recuses emself, e becomes ineligible to be assigned as a
> judge to CFJs for a week.
>   }}}
> }}}

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