You actually have an ongoing CFJ on this assigned to you so you could
probably just resubmit that text as that judgement haha.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2017, at 4:38 AM, V.J Rada <> wrote:
> I Point the Finger at Cuddlebeam. On 25 May he said "I pledge to not
> submit Judgement on CFJ 3509."
> (
> business/2017-May/034882.html).
> On that very same date, he did.
> (
> business/2017-May/034886.html).
> I regret my decision to object to Gaelan’s attempt at fixing this mess.
> Gaelan, I’m sorry, that was shortsighted and you were right.
> [Dons Referee hat]
> I can see no message in which CuddleBeam passed judgement on CFJ 3509. The
> statement to be judged in that CFJ is
> o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.
> In the message cited in V.J Rada’s Pointing of the Finger, CuddleBeam
> passes judgement on the statement
> Any player may take the office of Rulekeepor with 2 support.
> which is CFJ 3508, not CFJ 3509.
> CuddleBeam did, however, purport to pass judgement on CFJ 3509 (see the
> Subject header of the message linked in evidence). This was unwise, but I
> can find no rule that this violates, nor any evidence in the rules that
> claiming to judge CFJ 3509 while actually passing judgement on a different
> statement has the effect of passing judgement on CFJ 3509.
> Nonetheless, I believe that a rules violation has occurred - just not the
> one that prompted V.J Rada to Point the Finger at CuddleBeam. CFJ 3509 has
> been assigned to CuddleBeam for considerably more than 7 days: it was
> assigned on May 23, which is, as of this writing, 23 days ago, and Rule 591
> (“Delivering Judgements”) commands that the judge SHALL assign a judgement
> in a timely fashion. CuddleBeam has violated this requirement.
> A Yellow card would be appropriate, as the infraction clearly has a
> “significant, but small, effect on gameplay” per Rule 2427 ("Yellow
> Cards"), i.e., the CFJ has remained unjudged due to this lapse.
> Accordingly, I issue CuddleBeam a Yellow Card. Eir apology, if any, must
> include each of the words
> * I
> * Judge
> * CFJ
> * 3509
> * To
> * Be
> * TRUE
> although not necessarily in that order or in close proximity. E need not
> breach eir pledge in the process of apologizing for withholding judgement.
> Arbitor, I recommend that CFJ 3509 be reassigned.
> -o

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