Note that you’re responding to a draft report, which did not actually 
distribute anything.


> On Jun 29, 2017, at 9:48 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 
> <> wrote:
> Ego, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, assumptionem lationis primae in tabula 
> adiungo.
> Ego, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, assumptionem lationis secundae in 
> tabula adiungo.
> ----
> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 11:27 PM, Aris Merchant 
>> <> wrote:
>> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
>> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
>> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
>> quorum is 5.0 and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
>> also a valid vote).
>> ID      Author(s)        AI   Title                   Pender     Pend fee 
>> (sh.)
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 7865*   Aris, o, [1]     3.1  Regulations v4          Aris       6
>> 7866*   o, Quazie, [2]   1.7  More Betterer Pledges   o          6
>> The proposal pool is currently empty.
>> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
>> [1] nichdel, ais523
>> [2] G., Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐
>> The Pending List Price (PLP) is 6 shinies.
>> The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7865
>> Title: Regulations v4
>> Adoption index: 3.1
>> Author: Aris
>> Co-authors: o, nichdel, ais523
>> Change the title of Rule 2125, "Regulation Regulations", to "Regulated 
>> Actions".
>> Amend Rules 2125 and 1023 by changing all instances of the word "regulated" 
>> to
>> "restricted", and all instances of the word "unregulated" to "unrestricted".
>> Amend Rule 2143, "Official Reports and Duties," by changing all instances of 
>> the
>> word "regulations" to "restrictions".
>> Create a new power 3.1 rule entitled "Regulations", with the flowing text:
>> A Regulation is an instrument defined as such by this rule. A regulation
>> allows an officer (known as the Promulgator) to exercise rule defined powers.
>> A regulation is in effect continuously from the time of its creation to the
>> time of either its revocation or the repeal of the rule that allowed for its
>> creation. When recommending a regulation, its Promulgator must specify by
>> number the rule(s) upon which it is based (the parent rules), the list of
>> which becomes an integral part of the regulation. The list of rules can
>> generally be modified by the Promulgator according to the procedure for text
>> changes.
>> A regulation must be authorized by at least one rule in order for it to 
>> exist.
>> A regulation has effect on the game (only) insofar as the rule or rules that
>> authorized it permit it to have effect, and a regulation generally inherits
>> the power of its least powerful parent rule, unless its Promulgator defines
>> a lower power. If reasonably possible, a regulation should be
>> interpreted so as to defer to other rules. The procedure for resolving
>> conflict between regulations is the same as it is for rules.
>> Regulations are generally issued according to the following procedures,
>> and they can be repealed by the announcement of their Promulgator. Alternate
>> procedures may be used if provided for by all of the regulations's parent
>> rules. If one parent rule specifies procedures that are more stringent than
>> those that the other(s) specifies, those apply. Creating, modifying, 
>> revoking,
>> or allowing for a regulation is secured at power 1.
>> A regulation (or set of regulations), authorized by another rule, may
>> generally be enacted or modified by its promulgator without 2 objections,
>> or with Agoran consent. A notice pursuant to the previous sentence is
>> known as a "recommendation", and the regulation(s) are said to be
>> "recommended" to Agora.
>> Create a new power 1 rule, entitled "The Regkeepor", with the following text:
>> The Regkeepor is an office, responsible for the maintenance of the
>> Regulations. The Regulations are contained in the Regkeepor's weekly report,
>> know as the Agora Nomic Code of Regulations (ACORN). E MAY publish multiple
>> versions or editions of the ACORN.
>> The ACORN is divided into titles, assigned by the Regkeepor, which are
>> each given an integer.  Generally, each office with the power to create
>> regulations SHOULD be assigned the next successive natural number. Title 0 of
>> the ACORN is reserved for use by the Regkeepor, and nothing in that title
>> need be a regulation. Non-regulations printed in the ACORN
>> have no binding effect, and SHALL clearly be marked by the Regkeepor.
>> Each regulation SHALL be assigned an ID number by the Regkeepor, consisting
>> of a string of the characters [0-9] and separator characters. The Regkeepor
>> SHOULD establish some way of keeping track of the version of a regulations.
>> The Regkeepor MAY also, at eir discretion, create ways of marking special
>> types of Regulation (even in violation of the previous restrictions of this
>> paragraph), mark sections or titles as reserved for future use, and
>> make such other discussions of arrangement, annotation, and marking as are
>> necessary and proper in the execution of eir duties.
>> The Regkeepor SHOULD remember that the purpose of the ACORN is to make the
>> regulations easily readable, and e SHALL not act in a manner intended to
>> deceive others in eir official capacity.
>> Make Aris the Regkeepor.
>> Amend Rule 2464, "Tournaments", to read in full:
>>  A Tournament is a sub-game of Agora specifically sanctioned
>>  to be initiated as a tournament by the Rules.  If a winner of a
>>  tournament is determined within 4 weeks of its initiation, that
>>  person or persons win the game, otherwise the tournament
>>  concludes with no winner. A Tournament is governed by a special temporary
>>  title of the ACORN, created in accordance with its parent rule,
>>  which have binding control over those who freely agree to play the 
>> tournament
>>  and over the tournament itself. Once the tournament is concluded, these
>>  regulations cease to have any effect, and may be repealed by any player by
>>  announcement.
>> Create a new power 1.0 Rule entitled "The Birthday Tournament", with the
>> following text:
>>  In a timely fashion after the start of June 1 of each year,
>>  the Herald SHALL propose a set of Regulations governing a
>>  Birthday Tournament for that year; the Herald CAN also
>>  delegate the responsibility for creating or running the
>>  tournament to another player, with that player's consent.
>>  The Birthday Tournament's regulations SHOULD be such that all
>>  persons who choose to participate have a fair chance of winning
>>  the tournament (according to its regulations), and a winner
>>  SHOULD be expected within 2-3 weeks following the tournament's
>>  initiation.
>>  After adequate time for discussion of the Birthday Tournament's
>>  regulations, the Herald (or delegate) CAN initiate a sanctioned
>>  tournament with a specified, finalized set of regulations,
>>  Without 3 Objections. By doing so e promulgates those regulations as a
>>  special temporary title of the ACORN. This title may thereafter be amended
>>  only by the Herald or eir designee without objection, to correct minor 
>> typos.
>>  The initiation SHOULD be timed to coincide with Agora's Birthday.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7866
>> Title: More Betterer Pledges
>> Adoption index: 1.7
>> Author: o
>> Co-authors: Quazie, G., Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐
>> Replace the text of Rule 2450 with the following:
>> {{{
>> A player SHALL NOT break eir own publicly-made pledges.
>> A pledge MAY be considered broken if the pledgor does not complete it in a
>> timely manner after it becomes possible to do so. A pledge MAY be considered
>> broken at the moment the pledgor engages in conduct proscribed by that 
>> pledge.
>> }}}
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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