On Tue, 5 Sep 2017, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-09-04 at 17:11 -0700, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> > To ideally reduce future confusion about the Floating Value, I submit
> > the following proposal.
> This could really do with a definition of "spend". I recommend you
> define it as a class of mechanisms for performing actions. Something
> like "If a player can perform an action 'by spending X Shinies', where
> X is a number, that player can perform that action by announcement if e
> has X or more Shinies, and X Shinies are transferred from that player
> to Agora when e does so."

Random grab, an old version:

Rule 1941/3 (Power=1)

       If the Rules associate a non-negative cost, price, charge, or
       fee with an action, that action is a fee-based action.  If the
       specified cost is not an integer, the actual fee is the next
       highest integer.

       To perform a fee-based action, a Player (the Actor) who is
       otherwise permitted to perform the action must announce that e
       is performing the action and announce that there is a fee for
       that action.  Upon said announcement, the action is performed,
       the Actor's kudos are decreased by the fee.

       [Need to add a 0 trap for over-spending, the old one had 0-trap
        mechanics that wouldn't work anymore]

[Note, in this version, you never have to say what the fee is, you just
say "I do X by paying a fee" and the recordkeepor figures out what you

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