On 09/07/17 18:53, Owen Jacobson wrote:
>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 1:58 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>> Seeing as I have to recordkeep the damn thing, I also so pledge. Gaelan, can 
>> you send that my way, as well? My From: address is fine.
>> Note that I am already in possession of information whose sha256 is 
>> 204aa33ed7c42e58d6f391b3878dc89738c8a1bb95b39b3ebcda2609c1fabe3c which is 
>> likely relevant, and I make no promises about exploiting _that_ information. 
>> If the two are substantially the same, then you’ll just have to trust me to 
>> do the right thing.
> Since the cat’s out of the bag on this:
> $ echo 'It is possible to win by destroying Stamps in the possession of 
> others' | shasum -a 256
> 204aa33ed7c42e58d6f391b3878dc89738c8a1bb95b39b3ebcda2609c1fabe3c  -

Note that this still doesn't allow cashing in others' stamps because
that's a MAY, not a CAN.

> -o

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