On Fri, 8 Sep 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:

Amend Rule 2474, "Green Cards", to read in full:

 A Green Card is a type of Card that is appropriate for minor, accidental,
 and/or inconsequential infraction. A Green Card is also appropriate for any
 infraction for which no other type of Card is appropriate. It appropriate to

"It is appropriate"

 issue a Green Card to a non-player person who plays the game, for the
 infractions previously described. When a person is issued a Green Card, e
 is ENCOURAGED to travel to the United States.
 When a Black Card is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any player
 CAN once, with Agoran Consent, Slam the Door at the bad sport. After the Door
 is Slammed at a person, e CANNOT not register or take any game actions for

"CANNOT register"


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