> On Sep 10, 2017, at 6:49 PM, Cuddle Beam <cuddleb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's time for Agoran Economy: Venezuela edition : P
> No but in seriousness, we have a single fixed price which is the Welcome 
> Package, which I believe is to blame for most of the shiny drought. It's just 
> too much in comparison to the total amount of shinies Agora has in total, 
> imo. If we had more banknotes, it would be less of a problem. We should 
> adjust the floating value stuff a bit too with it though imo.

I tend to agree that the Welcome Packages are too large. More generally, I 
think the fixed prices need reconciling a bit to bring the immediate gameplay 
utility and the relative payoff into closer alignment, and the ratios between 
the various floating-price rewards and costs adjusted a bit in the same vein.


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