[Talked about several times recently, but inspired by Quazie's apology - we 
need a 
formal way to express approval/disapproval short of deregistration and crimes, 

Proposal draft

Create the following Rule, Karma:

      Karma is a person switch tracked by the Herald, with a default of 0 and 
      with any integer being a possible value.

      A Player CAN publish a Notice of Honour.  For a Notice of Honour to be
      valid, it must:
           1.  Be the first Notice of Honour that player has published in the
               current week;
           2.  Specify any other player to gain karma, and provide a reason for
               specifying that player; and
           3.  Specify any player to lose karma, and provide a reason for
               specifying that player.

      When a valid Notice of Honour is published, the player specified to gain
      karma has eir karma flipped to be one integer higher than it was, and the
      player specified to lose karma has eir karma flipped to be one integer
      lower than it was.

[can't remember, can we use natural language like "increase by 1" and "decrease
by 1" for integer/natural switches?]

      - Any player with a karma of 5 or greater is a Samurai.

      - Any player with a karma of -5 or less is a (Japanese term for serf?).

      - The player with the highest karma (if any) is the Shogun.

      - The player with the lowest karma (if any) is the Honourless Worm.

[Future rewards for holding these positions possible].

[Once per week allows people to express satisfaction/dissatisfaction in a 
way without it being a true "piling on"].

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