On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> As promised.
> -o
>> On Sep 13, 2017, at 2:28 PM, Nic Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't really like changing the supply level.
> I don’t really like _ad-hoc_ changes to the supply level, particularly as a 
> first-line tool. Our primary problem right now is that we haven’t got safety 
> nets in place to make players comfortable spending Shinies, so players 
> without a fixed source of income are holding their coins in case they need 
> them later and relying entirely on AP, instead.
> However, structured and principled changes to the supply level are probably 
> fine. I think we should probably have some wiggle room to deal with
> * long-term insolvency, which this proposal addresses,
> * changes in the player population, both explicit (through registration) and 
> implicit (through inactivity)
> * scams
>> I submit the following proposal.
>> title: Solvency
>> ai: 2
>> author: nichdel
>> co-authors:
>> Amend R2487 "Shiny Supply Level" to read in full:
>>    The Supply Level is a singleton switch with possible values integers
>>    and a default value of 1000.
>>    When a Shiny Releveling event occurs, Agora's Balance is increased or
>>    decreased such that all Balances add up to the Supply Level.
> As mentioned, balances aren’t adjustable like this any more. Here’s my 
> proposed alternative. The wording could probably use work; the idea is that 
> either we mint shinies, or we destroy Agora’s shinies, and if Agora doesn’t 
> own enough shinies, we get as close as we can to the Supply Level. (We can 
> always call another SRE once Agora owns more shinies.)

Pardon? Rule 2166: {

The "x balance of an entity", where x is a currency, is the number of x that
      entity possesses. If a rule, proposal, or other competent
authority attempts
      to increase or decrease the balance of an entity without
specifying a source
      or destination, then the currency is created or destroyed.


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