On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:

Create a new rule, “Instant Run-Off Voting”, with power ??? and the following text:

When the voting method for an Agoran Decision is instant run-off, then, for that decision, a valid ballot consists of exactly one of the following:

* ENDORSE and the name of a person.
* A list of zero or more of the valid options for the Agoran Decision.

Ballots CAN include conditions. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a ballot consisting of a list CANNOT include conditions other than those that apply to the whole list.

[Plus some glue for defining the win condition for an IR vote, determining quorum, etc.]

I don't think creating a new rule is enough. There are already rules speaking about most of these things, and this would just conflict with them.

Or, actually, be redundant: My cursory reading of the relevant rules tells me that the rules are _already_ saying everything this proposal does, except _possibly_ for the restriction on conditions - and only in so far as custom is to be lenient with expressing conditions - I think they still already resolve to conditions on the whole vote (i.e. list of options).

I think a source of confusion is that Rule 955 and Rule 2127 seem to use "option" in incompatible ways. Rule 955 is the only rule that explicitly considers a vote not necessarily to consist of a single option, while Rule 2127 on the contrary defines conditionals under the assumption that a vote is a single option.

Assuming that the word "option" is _not_ meant to refer to the same thing in those two rules, the options listed in an IRV vote are _not_ themselves votes, and so already cannot be either PRESENT or ENDORSE.


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