I'm not going to officially CoE on this, but I am listed not by 天火狐


On 26 September 2017 at 15:49, nichdel <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good luck Gaelan.
> I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 7876-7898as below.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
>  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
>  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
>  decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
>  before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]
> ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                        Pender      Pend fee
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> 7876*  o             2.0  Float On                     o           1 AP
> 7877x  CB [1]        1.0  Monsters                     CB [1]      1 AP
> 7878x  Gaelan        1.0  Not So Cuddly Now            Aris        1 sh.
> 7879*  o, Aris       1.0  You can take it with you     o           1 sh.
> 7880*  o             1.0  Agency Typo Fix              o           1 sh.
> 7881*  o, [2]        1.0  Stamp CAN Patch              o           1 sh.
> 7882*  o, K, ais523  1.0  Welcome Package CAN Patch    o           1 sh.
> 7883*  G.            1.0  Fear v2.1                    G.          1 sh.
> 7884x  V.J Rada      3.0  Mother, May I?               V.J Rada    1 sh.
> 7885*  o, [3]        3.0  Restraining Bolt             o           1 sh.
> 7886*  Aris, [4]     2.0  Card Reform and Expansion v4 Aris        1 sh.
> 7887*  Aris          3.0  SLR Ratification             Aris        1 sh.
> 7888*  o, V.J Rada   3.1  BILLY MAYS HERE              o           1 sh.
> 7889*  Aris          3.0  Agora Protection Act         Aris        1 sh.
> 7890*  Aris, G.      2.0  Improved Buoyancy v2         Aris        1 sh.
> 7891x  Gaelan        1.0  Proletarian Revolution       Gaelan      1 sh.
> 7892*  Aris          1.0  Truthfulness v2              Aris        1 sh.
> 7893x  V.J Rada, [1] 2.0  Zimbabwe-style economics     V.J Rada    1 sh.
> 7894x  G.            2.0  Shiny Weather                G.          1 AP
> 7895x  Gaelan        3.0  No Telepathy                 Gaelan      1 sh.
> 7896x  P.S.S. [5]    3.0  Registration Delay Fix       P.S.S.      1 AP
> 7897*  CB [1]        1.0  University Funding           Aris        1 sh.
> 7898*  G.            2.0  Community Chest              G.          1 AP
> |        | 7876 | 7877 | 7878 | 7879 | 7880 | 7881 | 7882 | 7883 | 7884 |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |Aris    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    |
> |Bayushi | F    | A    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | P    |
> |CB      | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |G.      | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    |
> |grok    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    |
> |Josh T. | N    | F    | N    | N    | N    | F    | F    | A    | N    |
> |K       | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    |
> |Nichdel | F    | A    | P    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | P    |
> |o       | F    | A    | P    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | A    |
> |PSS     | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    |
> |VJ Rada | F    | A    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |F/A     | 9/1  | 5/6  | 4/4  | 9/1  | 9/1  | 10/1 | 10/1 | 6/2  | 1/6  |
> |AI      | 2.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 3.0  |
> |V       | 10   | 11   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 11   | 11   | 11   | 10   |
> |Q       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
> |P       | T    | F    | F    | T    | T    | T    | T    | T    | F    |
> |        | 7885 | 7886 | 7887 | 7888 | 7889 | 7890 | 7891 | 7892 | 7893 |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |Aris    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    |
> |Bayushi | F    | F    | P    | F    | F    | F    | P    | P    | P    |
> |CB      | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |G.      | A    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    | A    | A    |
> |grok    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    |
> |Josh T. | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | N    | N    | N    | N    |
> |K       | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |Nichdel | P    | P    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | A    |
> |o       | F    | F    | A    | F    | P    | F    | A    | F    | A    |
> |PSS     | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | A    |
> |VJ Rada | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | P    | P    | A    | F    |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |F/A     | 8/2  | 9/1  | 8/2  | 10/1 | 7/2  | 8/1  | 3/5  | 6/3  | 4/5  |
> |AI      | 3.0  | 2.0  | 3.0  | 3.1  | 3.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 2.0  |
> |V       | 11   | 11   | 11   | 11   | 11   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 10   |
> |Q       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
> |P       | T    | T    | T    | T    | T    | T    | F    | T    | F    |
> |        | 7894 | 7895 | 7896 | 7897 | 7898 |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |Aris    | P    | A    | P    | F    | F    |
> |Bayushi | F    | A    | P    | F    | F    |
> |CB      | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |G.      | A    | A    | A    | F    | F    |
> |grok    | A    | A    | A    | A    | A    |
> |Josh T. | N    | N    | A    | N    | N    |
> |K       | F    | F    | P    | F    | F    |
> |Nichdel | A    | A    | P    | F    | P    |
> |o       | A    | A    | P    | F    | F    |
> |PSS     | A    | A    | F    | F    | F    |
> |VJ Rada | A    | A    | F    | P    | F    |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |F/A     | 3/6  | 2/8  | 3/3  | 8/1  | 8/1  |
> |AI      | 2.0  | 3.0  | 3.0  | 1.0  | 2.0  |
> |V       | 10   | 10   | 11   | 10   | 10   |
> |Q       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
> |P       | F    | F    | F    | T    | T    |
> The full text of the adopted proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7876
> Title: Float On
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2497 ("Floating Value") by replacing its text, in full, with:
> {{{
>     Floating Value is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the
>     Secretary. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Floating
>     Value switch CANNOT be flipped to a value other than the number
>     of Shinies owned by Agora.
>     The following Floating Derived Values are defined:
>     * Pend Cost: 1/20th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>     * CFJ Cost: 1/20th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>     * Authorship Reward: 1/40th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>     * Pend Reward: 1/40th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>     * CFJ Reward: 1/20th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>     * Stamp Value: 1/5th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
> }}}
> Amend rule 2496 ("Rewards") by replacing the entire list after
> "Below is an exhaustive list of Reward Conditions and eir rewards:"
> with
> {{{
>     * The following two only apply to proposals that were pended
>       via spending shinies:
>         * Being the author of an adopted proposal: the current
>           Authorship Reward.
>         * Being the pender of an adopted proposal: the current
>           Pend Reward.
>     * Judging a CFJ, that was created via spending shinies, that e
>       was assigned to: the current CFJ Reward.
>     * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies.
>     * Resolving an Agoran Decision for the first time this week: 5
>       shinies.
> }}}
> Amend rule 991 ("Calls for Judgement") by replacing item "b)" in
> the first list with:
> {{{
>     b) by announcement, and spending the current CFJ Cost in
>        shinies, OR
> }}}
> Amend rule 2445 ("How to Pend a Proposal") by replacing item "b" in
> the first list with:
> {{{
>     b) spending the current Pend Cost in shinies
> }}}
> Amend rule 2498 ("Economic Wins") by removing the paragraph that
> begins "The Stamp Value is".
> If proposal 7845 has passed, amend rule 2456 ("The Secretary") by
> removing "When the Secretary flips the Floating Value, e SHOULD
> note the new values for rewards and expenses."
> Amend rule 2456 ("The Secretary") by adding
> {{{
>      6. The Floating Value, and all Floating Derived Values
> }}}
> to the end of the list immediately after "The Secretary's weekly report
> includes:", then by adding the following paragraph to the end of the rule:
> {{{
>     As part of the Secretary's weekly duties, e CAN and SHALL flip the
> Floating
>     Value to the number of Shinies owned by Agora. E SHOULD do this while
>     publishing eir weekly report.
> }}}
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7879
> Title: You can take it with you
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors: Aris
> Repeal rule 2485 (“You can’t take it with you”).
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7880
> Title: Agency Typo Fix
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2467 ("Agencies") by replacing the phrase "may may" with
> the word "may" wherever it appears.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7881
> Title: Stamp CAN Patch
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors: V.J Rada, Aris, ais523
> Amend rule 2498 ("Economic Wins") by replacing its text, in full,
> with:
>   {{{
>       Stamps are an asset. The Secretary is the recordkeepor of Stamps.
>       The Stamp Value is always 1/5th the current Floating Value.
>       Once per month, a player CAN, by announcement, create a stamp
>       by transferring the Stamp Value, in shinies, to Agora.
>       If Agora owns at least as many Shinies as the current Stamp
>       Value, a player CAN, by announcement, destroy a Stamp e owns to
>       cause Agora to transfer the Stamp Value, in shinies, to emself.
>       If a player owns Stamps created by at least 10 different
>       players, e CAN win the game by announcement, by destroying 10
>       stamps e owns, each of which was created by a distinct player.
>   }}}
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7882
> Title: Welcome Package CAN Patch
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors: K, ais523
> Amend rule 2499 ("Welcome Packages") by replacing its text, in
> full, with:
>   {{{
>       If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
>       recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by
>       announcement.
>       When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora transfers 50
>       shinies to em.
>   }}}
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7883
> Title: Fear v2.1
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> [v. 2.1 change: fixed the list numbering]
> Enact the following Rule, "Random Choices", Power-1:
>   When a Rule specifies that a random choice be made, then the choice
> shall be
>   made using whatever probability distribution among the possible outcomes
> the
>   Rule specifies, defaulting to a uniform probability distribution.
>   The choice CAN be made using any physical or computational process whose
>   probability distribution among the possible outcomes is reasonably close
> to
>   that required by the Rules, and for which the final choice is not
> trivially
>   predictable by the selecting person in advance.  The selecting person
>   make the selection method public, and SHOULD use a method for which
>   the final probability distribution can be readily confirmed.
> [Note:  "confirming the distribution" includes "confirming that the
> selector didn't just keep re-rolling until e got the desired result",
> (because that changes the final distribution for the whole process to
> be 100% whatever the selector was aiming for).  The "trivially" in
> "trivially predictable" means you can use a PRNG, which is technically
> deterministic, but only "trivially" predictable if you run it with
> a set seed in advance.  "Reasonably close" is to not get hung up on
> machine rounding, but also means we don't undo things if a calculation
> is *slightly* off (with *slightly* to be determined by judges etc.).
> Keeping it SHOULD instead of SHALL because I prefer to let the Officer
> have a little latitude.  These are hard-earned lessons from the days
> when we dealt cards from a deck, and kept having to reset the whole
> deck because a single card had been missing from the draw].
> Amend Rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by appending the following
> paragraph:
>   An Official Proposal is a proposal designated as such by the Rules;
> generally
>   official proposals that are created as part of an Officer's duties.
> Rules to
>   the contrary notwithstanding, an Official proposal is always pending.
> Rules
>   to the contrary notwithstanding, players CANNOT claim rewards for the
> adoption
>   of an Official proposal.
> Re-enact Rule 2309 (The Propose-O-Matic), with the following text:
>   The Fearmongor is an Office. Its holder is responsible for
>   ensuring the continuous change of the ruleset.
>   Each month, the Fearmongor SHALL do the following as part of
>   eir duties:
>     1) Select two existing rules at random. For each of those
>        rules, submit an Official proposal with AI equal to that
>        rules' power. One proposal SHALL specify only to repeal
>        its rule; the other SHALL specify only to amend its rule.
>     2) Select a previous rule that was repealed over 1 year
>        ago, and has not been so selected in the past 6 months.
>        Submit an Official proposal of the appropriate AI to
>        re-enact the rule at its previous power, using any
>        past version of the rule as a basis and making minimal
>        modifications to that text to allow the rule to function
>        in the current ruleset.
> [
> Note for Rulekeepor, R2309 History:
> Created by Proposal 6798 (coppro), 27 August 2010
> Amended(1) by Proposal 6861 (omd), 18 October 2010
> Repealed by Proposal 6961 (G.), 3 March 2011
> ]
> G. is hereby installed as the Office holder for Fearmongor.
> [The old rule was "each week", but I think that's too much.  No
> salary, because the job is it's own reward :) ].
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7885
> Title: Restraining Bolt
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors: V.J Rada, Ørjan
> Amend rule 103 ("The Speaker") by replacing the second paragraph with:
>   {{{
>       The player or players who have most recently won the game are
>       called Laureled. If at any time the office of Speaker is
>       vacant, or when one or more players win Agora, then the Prime
>       Minister CAN and SHALL, once and in a timely fashion, appoint a
>       Laureled player to the office of Speaker by announcement.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 2451 ("Executive Orders") by replacing the first paragraph with:
>   {{{
>       Once per week and except as otherwise forbidden by this rule,
>       the current Prime Minister CAN issue a Cabinet Order by
>       announcement to perform the action(s) authorized by that Order.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 2495 ("The Birthday Tournament") by replacing the first
> paragraph
> with:
>   {{{
>       In a timely fashion after the start of June 1 of each year, the
>       Herald SHALL propose a set of Regulations governing a Birthday
>       Tournament for that year; the Herald CAN also delegate the
>       responsibility for creating or running the tournament to
>       another player, with that player's consent, by announcement.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 1607 ("Distribution") by replacing the third paragraph with:
>   {{{
>       The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
>       Pool at any time, by announcement. The Promotor SHALL NOT
>       distribute proposals which are not pending.
>   }}}
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7886
> Title: Card Reform and Expansion v4
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: ais523, Ørjan
> Amend Rule 2426, "Cards", by appending the sentence
>   "It is inappropriate to award a card to a non-player person unless the
> rule
>   defining the card says otherwise."
>   to the paragraph beginning "The types of Card are defined by the
> rules..."
> Amend Rule 2478, "Vigilante Justice", to read in full:
>   A player CAN by announcement, but subject to the provisions of
>   this rule, Point eir Finger at a person who plays the game, citing an
> alleged
>   violation of the rules by that person.
>   When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL
>   investigate the allegation and, in a timely fashion, SHALL
>   conclude the investigation by:
>    - issuing a Card to the pointed-at person by announcement whose
>      reason is rooted in the allegation; or
>    - if e believes that no rules violation occurred or that it
>      would be ILLEGAL to issue a Card for it, announcing the
>      Finger Pointing to be Shenanigans.
>   The Referee is by default the investigator for all Finger
>   Pointing.  When a Finger, other than the Arbitor's, is Pointed
>   over an allegation related to the official duties or powers of
>   the Referee, then the Arbitor CAN, by announcement, take over
>   the investigation and thereby become the investigator.
>   A player CANNOT point a finger more than twice per Agoran week,
>   or more than once per Agoran week at the same person.
> Amend Rule 2479, "Official Justice", to read in full:
>   The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
>   Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by issuing a card to em
> by
>   announcement.
>   The Referee CANNOT Point eir Finger or impose Summary Judgment
>   more than five total times per week, or more than twice per week
>   at or on the same person.
>   As part of the Referee's weekly duties, e SHALL either impose
>   Summary Judgment on a person or truthfully announce that e
>   believes that there are no rules violations in the preceding
>   Agoran week for which a Card has not already been issued.
> Amend Rule 2474, "Green Cards", to read in full:
>   A Green Card is a type of Card that is appropriate for minor, accidental,
>   and/or inconsequential infraction. A Green Card is also appropriate for
> any
>   infraction for which no other type of Card is appropriate. 'Tis
> appropriate to
>   issue a Green Card to a non-player person who plays the game, for the
>   infractions previously described. When a person is issued a Green Card, e
>   is ENCOURAGED to travel to the United States.
> Create a power 2.0 rule entitled "Blue Cards", with the following text:
>   A Blue Card is a type of Card that is appropriate for deliberate or
> negligent
>   infractions either where the the player responsible profited from
> violating
>   the rules or where e significantly harmed another person or the game
>   as a whole. The person issuing a Blue Card must, in the same message,
>   announce a penalty between 1 shiny and the greater of 25 shinies and the
>   amount the bad sport profited from the infraction, in order for the card
> to
>   be effective. E CAN additionally, in the same message, determine the
>   distribution of the money between Agora and the players(s) harmed, save
>   that e CANNOT distribute money to emself or such that it would be under
>   eir effective control. By default, all the money goes to Agora.
>   When a Blue Card is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
> player
>   CAN once, with 2 Support, Levy a Fine upon the bad sport. After the Fine
> is
>   Levied upon the bad sport, e SHALL endeavor in good faith to pay the fine
>   to Agora or the correct player(s), in accordance with the distribution
> laid
>   out by the carder. Any player CAN also act on the bad sport's behalf to
> do so,
>   fulfilling eir obligation.
> Create a power 2.0 rule entitled "Black Cards", with the following text:
>   A Black Card is a card appropriate for a person who plays the game, not
>   currently a player, who either broke the rules while not a player or
>   broke them while a player and then deregistered in bad faith. A Black
>   Card CANNOT be issued to current players, and no more than 3 Black Cards
>   CAN be issued per week. Any attempt to issue a Black Card in violation
>   of these limitations is INEFFECTIVE.
>   When a Black Card is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
> player
>   CAN once, with Agoran Consent, Slam the Door at the bad sport. After the
> Door
>   is Slammed at a person, e CANNOT register or take any game actions for 30
>   days, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. Any attempt to Slam the
> Door on
>   a player or a person whose most recent deregistration took place without
>   eir consent is INEFFECTIVE, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7887
> Title: SLR Ratification
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Ratify the Short Logical Ruleset published on the 9th of September 2016,
> available here [1].
> [1]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/
> agora-official/2016-September/011230.html
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7888
> Adoption index: 3.1
> Author: o
> Co-authors: V.J Rada
> This proposal is dedicated to William Darrel Mays.
> [For help finding paragraph boundaries, see CFJ 3452. This proposal
> body MUST be interpreted, generally, to assume that lists are part
> of the surrounding paragraph, or one of the adjacent paragraphs.]
> Amend rule 105 ("Rule Changes") by replacing item 3 of the first
> list with:
>   {{{
>      3. reenact a rule. A repealed rule identified by its most
>      recent rule number MUST be reenacted with the same ID number and
>      the next change identifier. If no text is specified, the rule
>      is reenacted with the same text it had when it was most
>      recently repealed. If the reenacting proposal provides new text
>      for the rule, the rule must have materially the same purpose as
>      did the repealed version; otherwise, the attempt to reenact the
>      rule is null and void.
>   }}}
> [Changes a "may" to a "MUST", since reenactment is otherwise
> governed by the rules governing instruments.]
> Amend rule 2493 ("Regulations") by replacing the fourth paragraph
> with:
>   {{{
>      A regulation (or set of regulations), authorized by another
>      rule, CAN generally be enacted or modified by its promulgator
>      without 2 objections, or with Agoran consent. A notice pursuant
>      to the previous sentence is known as a "recommendation", and
>      the regulation(s) are said to be "recommended" to Agora.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 991 ("Calls for Judgement") by replacing the second
> paragraph, which begins "When a person initiates", with:
>   {{{
>      When a person initiates a Call for Judgment, e CAN optionally
>      bar one person from the case by announcement.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 2492 ("Recusal") by replacing the first paragraph with:
>   {{{
>      A judge CAN recuse emself from a CFJ they are assigned to by
>      announcement.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 2231 ("Order of the Hero of Agora Nomic") to read, in
> full:
>   {{{
>      Heroic titles are Agora's premier patent titles of distinction,
>      and CAN be awarded to persons for meritorious service only by a
>      proposal of power 3 or greater, which SHOULD explain why those
>      persons are qualified. Bearers of heroic titles (Heroes)
>      constitute the Order of the Hero of Agora Nomic.
>      The Heroic titles in decreasing precedence are:
>      Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) -- This title CAN be awarded
>      to any person obviously and directly responsible for the
>      existence of Agora and/or Nomic in general. As this title is
>      the highest honour that Agora may bestow, a Bearer of this
>      title OUGHT to be treated right good forever.
>      Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) -- This title CAN be awarded to any
>      person for outstanding meritorious service to Agora above and
>      beyond the call of duty.
>   }}}
> Amend rule 2467 ("Agencies") by replacing the first paragraph with:
>   {{{
>      An Agency is a document empowering persons to act on behalf of
>      another player. A player CAN establish an Agency With 24 hours
>      Notice, and thereby become its Director, by specifying the
>      properties of the new Agency, provided e has not established
>      any other Agency that day:
>      1. A title, which must be exactly three words, not counting
>      conjunctions, articles or prepositions.
>      2. A non-empty list of persons other than the Director (the
>      Agents).
>      3. A description of a set of actions (the Powers).
>   }}}
>   Amend rule 2467 ("Agencies") by replacing the fifth paragraph with:
>   {{{
>      The Agents of an Agency CAN perform the Actions described in
>      the Powers of the Agency on behalf of the Agency's Director, in
>      the same manner by which the Agency's Director can perform
>      those Actions.
>   }}}
>   Amend rule 2464 ("Tournaments") by replacing its text, in full,
>   with:
>   {{{
>      A Tournament is a sub-game of Agora specifically sanctioned to
>      be initiated as a tournament by the Rules. If a winner of a
>      tournament is determined within 4 weeks of its initiation, that
>      person or persons win the game, otherwise the tournament
>      concludes with no winner. A Tournament is governed by a special
>      temporary title of the ACORN, created in accordance with its
>      parent rule, which have binding control over those who freely
>      agree to play the tournament and over the tournament itself.
>      Once the tournament is concluded, these regulations cease to
>      have any effect, and CAN be repealed by any player by
>      announcement.
>   }}}
>   Amend rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions") to read, in full:
>   {{{
>      At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one Estate,
>      the Surveyor CAN, by announcement, and SHALL in a timely
>      fashion, put one Estate which is owned by Agora up for auction.
>      Each auction ends seven days after it begins.
>      During an auction, any player CAN bid a number of Shinies on
>      eir own behalf, by announcement, or on behalf of any
>      Organization for which such a bid is Appropriate, by
>      announcement, provided the bid is higher than any
>      previously-placed bid in the same auction.
>      If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest bid,
>      then that player or Organization wins the auction. The player
>      who placed the winning bid CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion,
>      cause Agora to transfer the auctioned Estate to the winner by
>      announcement, by paying Agora the amount of the bid, or by
>      causing the winning Organization to pay Agora the amount of the
>      bid.
>   }}}
> [This is more extensive than Estate Auction Cleanup but covers all
> defects fixed in that proposal.]
> Amend rule 2496 ("Rewards") by replacing the first paragraph with:
>   {{{
>      A Reward is a specified amount of shinies associated with a
>      Reward Condition. For each time a player meets a Reward
>      Condition, e CAN claim the specified award, by announcement,
>      exactly once within 24 hours of meeting the Reward Condition.
>   }}}
> [This probably worked by accident, but it's worth clarifying.]
> Amend rule 2480 ("Festivals") by replacing the second and third
> paragraphs with:
> {{{
>    If Agora's Festivity has had the same nonzero value for 14 days
>    or more, any player CAN flip it to 0 by announcement.
>    A player who owns at least N types of Ribbon CAN Start a Rank N
>    Festival, where N is an integer greater than Agora's Festivity,
>    with 4 Support from players who own at least N types of Ribbon.
>    Upon doing so, Agora's Festivity is flipped to N. Exception: A
>    player CANNOT do so if Agora's Festivity has had a value
>    greater than or equal to N within the past 21 days.
> }}}
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7889
> Title: Agora Protection Act
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 1698 by:
> Replacing the words "any other single change" with "any other single
> change or
> inseparable group of changes".
> Change the power of Rule 1698 to 4.0.
> Change the power of Rule 101 to 4.0.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7890
> Title: Improved Buoyancy v2
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: G.
> [Note to the Assessor: please resolve after "Float On".]
> [It is my belief that the current floating value problem was primarily
> caused
> by the Secretary only being able to set the floating value correctly. This
> erases certainty, as any flaw in the Secretary's report likely invalidates
> all
> rule-defined transactions until the flaw is discovered unless the switch
> self-ratifies. The probability of deliberate abuse by the secretary is
> small,
> the probability of error is large.]
> If the proposal "Float On" been adopted: {
> Amend Rule 2497, "Floating Value", by changing its first paragraph to read:
>   Floating Value is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the Secretary.
> Amend Rule 2456, "The Secretary", by changing the paragraph "As part of the
> Secretary's weekly duties, e CAN and SHALL flip the Floating Value to the
> number of Shinies owned by Agora. E SHOULD do this while publishing eir
> weekly report." to read as follows:
>   The Secretary CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement.
> As part
>   of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of
> Shinies
>   owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value.
>   E SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Secretary
>   discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value
> and e
>   would not otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set the
> value
>   to what it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
> } Otherwise, if the proposal "Float On" has been resolved, but not
> adopted: {
> Amend Rule 2497, "Floating Value", by changing it to read in full:
>   Floating Value is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the Secretary.
>   The Secretary CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement.
> As part
>   of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of
> Shinies
>   owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value. E SHOULD do
>   this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Secretary discovers that
> e
>   last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value and e would not
>   otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set the value to
> what
>   it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
> } Otherwise: {
>   Glare pointedly at the Assessor.
>   std::abort();
> }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7892
> Title: Truthfulness v2
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2471, "No Faking", by changing it to read in full:
>   A person SHALL NOT make a public statement that is a lie. A statment is
> a lie
>   if its publisher either knew or believed it to be not to be true at the
> time
>   e published it (or, in the case of an action, not to be effective), and
> it
>   was made with the intent to mislead. Merely quoting a statement does not
>   constitute making it for the purposes of this rule.  Any disclaimer,
>   conditional clause, or other qualifier attached to a statement
> constitutes
>   part of the statement for the purposes of this rule; the truth or
> falsity of
>   the whole is what is significant.
>   The previous provisions of this rule notwithstanding, a formal
> announcement of
>   intent is never a lie.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7897
> Title: University Funding
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: CuddleBeam
> Co-authors:
> Add to the bottom of the exhaustive list of Reward Conditions and eir
> rewards
> the following as a new entry with its own bullet:
>   "Having a Thesis pass peer-review and be granted a Degree based on its
> merit:
>   20 shinies"
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7898
> Title: Community Chest
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) by replacing:
>   They may be owned by Agora, any player, or any organization.
> with:
>   Shiny ownership is restricted to Agora, any player, any
>   organization, or any entity explicitly defined by the Rules to
>   be an Agoran Institution.
> [Note:  Institution is a very general concept - we can make a
>          university! a bank!  Etc.]
> Create the following Rule, "Community Chest", Power-2:
>   The Community Chest is an Agoran Institution.  If a player
>   has not done so in the current quarter, e CAN, by announcement,
>   transfer all the Shinies owned by the Community Chest to
>   any specified player.
>   If a player uses shinies to pend a Proposal or initiate a CFJ,
>   e MAY additionally specify, as part of the specification of
>   the transaction, that the funds be used for Charity (syn:
>   "Donated").  If e does so, then an instant after the
>   transaction is completed, half the value of the transaction in
>   shinies (rounded up) is transferred from Agora to the Community
>   Chest.
> [In a Libertarian World, taxes and minimum incomes are replaced with
> Charity, after all].
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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