Title: Conditionals and Determinacy v3
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Create a power 3.0 rule entitled "Conditionals and Determinacy", with the
following text:

  A conditional is any textual structure that attempts to make a statement
  affecting any part or aspect of the gamestate (the substrate), or the
  permissibility or possibility of any action affecting such a part or aspect,
  dependent on the truth value or other state of a textual structure
  (the condition). The condition is said to be "affixed" to the substrate
  (inverse "to be conditional upon").

  A condition is inextricable if it is unclear, ambiguous, circular,
  inconsistent, paradoxical, depends on information that is impossible or
  unreasonably difficult to determine, or otherwise requires an unreasonable
  effort resolve; otherwise it is extricable. A conditional is inextricable if
  its condition is inextricable; otherwise it is extricable. A player SHOULD NOT
  use an inextricable conditional for any purpose.

  If a restricted value, or the value of a conditional, or a value otherwise
  required to determine the outcome of a restricted action, CANNOT be reasonably
  determined (without circularity or paradox) from information reasonably
  available, or if it alternates instantaneously and indefinitely between
  values, then the value is considered to be indeterminate, otherwise it is

  If an action would, as part of its effect, make a restricted value
  indeterminate, it is void and without effect unless it is explicitly permitted
  to do so by a rule; this restriction should be interpreted in accordance
  with existing precedent, and this rule defers to judicial discretion and
  game custom.

Create a power 3.0 rule entitled "Conditional Announcements", with the following

  A player SHALL NOT deliberately make an action taken by announcement
  conditional on an inextricable condition, and any such conditional is
  INVALID, and its substrate void and without effect; these restrictions should
  be interpreted in accordance with existing precedent, and this rule defers to
  judicial discretion and game custom.

  Extricable conditionals do not necessarily fail; however, they must be
  reasonably resolvable given complete knowledge of the gamestate at the time
  the message takes effect. This knowledge CAN require interpretation of data
  in non-trivial ways (e.g. interpretation requiring CFJs), but such
  interpretation must be achievable without absurd effort. No by-announcement
  conditional may ever be conditional upon information which cannot be deduced
  from the knowable gamestate at the time the message takes effect, nor can
  such conditionals ever change the time the message takes effect.

  Loops are generally viable, subject to the above restrictions. However,
  long loops used abusively may fail, at the discretion of a judge; the
  presumption is in favor of the loop being successful.

  This rule is intended as a codification and clarification of existing
  precedent. It does not attempt to overrule existing precedents, but only to
  make explicit the principles by which its subject matter is to be understood.

Create a power 3.0 rule entitled "Action Rationality", with the following text:

  An irrational action is one that is either deliberately and
malisoally hidden from view
  inside a larger message (e.g. a report) or contains excessive repetitions
  or complex loops that make the message unreasonably hard to comprehend or
  respond to; all other actions are rational.

  A player SHALL not take an irrational by announcement action, and any such
  actions fail.

Amend Rule 1023, "Common Definitions", by removing the third item of the
top level list, and renumbering appropriately.

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