On Mon, 2017-10-16 at 10:49 -0400, Josh T wrote:
> About Silly proposals I am vexed:
> Of the rule's intention I am perplexed;
> Ought the proposal's mood be most merry,
> Or it's meaning and tone be contrary?
> 天火狐

I suspect that Rule 1789 was created by a Silly Proposal (on the "truly
hideous pun" clause), so that might give you an example of the sort of
things that were expected. But of course, this is Agora, so I assume
that the only requirements on the proposal are those stated in the

(I admit I was kind-of expecting a pun that only worked in Japanese,
which would neatly obey the letter of the rule and yet make it hard to
subsequently translate any created rule into English.)


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