It's a report of all regulations. Regulations are intended as a way to
grant power under the rules to officers. They were enacted partly at
the request of a few players, who wished to use them for game systems
they were working on. Those systems didn't go anywhere, so right now
regulations don't do anything except for run the tournament once a
year. That will change with contracts, which will allow the notary to
use them for various things. My taxation proposal would also use them
to set tax rates.


On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 1:16 AM, Cuddle Beam <> wrote:
> I've been wondering for a while about this.
> What's the intent for this?
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Aris Merchant
> <> wrote:
>> The ACORN (Agora Nomic Code of Regulations)
>> ====================================================================
>> TITLE 0
>> Contains no regulations, and is reserved for the use of the Regkeepor.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> (empty)

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