But once the action has been taken once, the decision has been resolved.

On 10/23/2017 06:31 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I CFJ by spending a Shiny:  G. won the game on 23 Oct 17.
> Arguments:
> Rule 208 reads:
>        The vote collector for an unresolved Agoran decision CAN resolve
>        it by announcement, indicating the outcome.
> There's absolutely nothing that says the vote collector can't do this
> multiple times.
> On Mon, 23 Oct 2017, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> [To be clear, the below is not a forward of a past action, but an
>> action in it's own right.  I've changed some wording ever so 
>> slightly to make it clear it's new].
>> On Wed, 13 Sep 2017, Kerim Aydin wrote: 
>>>                 ======THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED========
>>>       As Herald, I initiate a VICTORY ELECTION, a type of Agoran Decision.
>>>       All players are valid options, as is PRESENT; non-player persons
>>>       can also become valid options during the voting period by
>>>       announcement. The vote collector is the Herald, and the voting
>>>       method is instant runoff.
>>>                ===============================================
>> I hereby resolve the VICTORY ELECTION as follows.  Quorum is 1.  There were 
>> 7 Voters.
>> With first-rank votes, there were 3 for G., 1 for Agora, and 2 for either o 
>> or Jeff Probst.
>> (VJ Rada's votes count twice as PM, and it's not clear if eir first or 
>> second ballot is
>> the valid one).  There were two votes of PRESENT.
>> G. does not have a majority.
>> So I eliminate each of Quazie's options, then each of VJ Rada's options 
>> until VJ Rada's top
>> choice is G., giving G a 4-vote majority.  [Since Quazie and VJ Rada's sets 
>> of options have
>> no common element, the elimination order doesn't matter (Quazie's have to be 
>> eliminated
>> first because VJ Rada's count twice), nor does it matter which of Quazie's 
>> or VJ Rada's
>> vote submissions are used.  I don't think there's any permutations that lead 
>> to a different
>> result - including counting VJ Rada's voting strength as 0, 1, or 2 or 
>> considering either
>> of Quazie or VJ Rada's vote attempts as the correct one].
>> The result:  G.
>> G. wins the Victory Election.
>> G. wins the game (of Agora).
>> Full vote text for each voter is below.
>> Votes:
>> PSS:
>>> I vote [G.,nichdel,Aris,o,PSS], followed by all players who endorse this 
>>> vote, 
>>> with those doing so first coming earliest, followed by all players, not 
>>> included
>>> earlier, excluding Cuddlebeam and VJ Rada sorted from the earliest 
>>> registration
>>> to the latest.
>> o:
>>> I vote [G., nichdel, ais523].
>> Aris:
>>> I vote [G., o]
>> Quazie (two messages):
>>> I vote [Quazie, ais523, Peter Suber, Steve Jobs]
>> and
>>> I change my vote to (if valid to do so): [Agora, cats, comex, omd, a Live 
>>> Walrus, Quazie, ais523, Peter Suber, Steve Jobs]
>> V.J. Rada (two messages):
>>> I vote {o, G, ais523 if e is a candidate}
>>> Note that I have no voting strength.
>> and
>>> If all of the following are legal to vote I vote {Jeff Probst
>>> (survivor host), My mother, My father, Murphy's daughter Victoria from
>>> CFJ 2823, the current Prime Minister of Australia, Former Prime
>>> Minister Kevin Rudd, Bernie Sanders, o., G, ais523}
>> CuddleBeam:
>>> I dislike having wins being granted by election like this, because it feels 
>>> too easy. I vote present.
>> 天火狐:
>>> I vote PRESENT on the victory election.

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