On Sun, 22 Oct 2017, Alexis Hunt wrote:

Proposal: HTML Scrubbing (AI=1)
The Distributor is hereby requested to enable the Mailman feature(s) to
strip non-plain-text parts of emails sent by the agoranomic.org mailing

Would this disallow _all_ non-text attachments, even those attached manually? That could be annoying.

And, since I'm here, I'll also propose the following and pend it for 1

Proposal: No List Prefixes (AI=1)
The Distributor is hereby requested to disable the DIS, BUS, and OFF
prefixes automatically added to mail sent by the agoranomic.org mailing

I use those when looking for reports, although admittedly they _are_ brittle with replies (such as some COE revisions).

Personally, I don't find them useful; they obscure subject lines, are not
useful for searching or filtering (because they cannot be added more than
once when a thread bounces back between -business and -discussion), and
just make things look ugly with e.g. Fwd: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Whatever.
They also make outgoing mail have a different prefix from the returned mail
from the mailing list, which confuses my client, at least. Because they
don't actually impart useful information consistently, I personally think
there's little value to including them so I'll put that up for vote too.

It _would_ presumably solve that pesky Yahoo whatever-the-acronym-was problem.

Then I claim a reward of 1 shiny back for judging the CFJ.

I'm afraid not being a player I didn't pay for the CFJ, so you probably don't get this.


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