I plan to run for the office of Surveyor with a proposed set of land
reforms.  The incumbant's tenure has been marked with a low, supply-
side policy that has marginalized land and made it a part of the 
ongoing economic malaise - eir campaign proposal is an inadequate
response to our ongoing problems.

My proto-proposal (long-term) starts as follows, comments welcome.  I
don't know how much of this "in full" will be in the campaign proposal.

1.  Land supply:  # of land units will be pegged to the number of Offices
in the game.

2.  Supply rate:  Auction up to 3 units per month, with a "top N" bidding
system so that people with moderate shiny levels are competitive.

3.  There's a Blueprint switch for Land.  The owner can set it to Farm, 
Mansion,  or Business.

4.  At the start of each month, the Land type (another switch) is set to
the Blueprint value, setting how the land is used for the month.  Plan
ahead!  Also paying attention to what others are planning.

5.  Major change:  shinies are no longer indestructible.  Spending them
destroys them.

6.  Farms create shinies.  Farms belonging to Agora create shinies for
Agora.  Farms belonging to player create a certain % for the owner, a
certain % for Agora.  

7.  Taking (5) and (6) together, the "supply problem" becomes one of
matching farms to needed supply, not this bouncing up-and-down against
a fixed supply that we're doing now.

8.  Mansions give you an extra vote on all Proposals for the month.

9.  Businesses do some combo of making proposals/CFJs cheaper, or
giving you an add-on shiny bonus for produced Officer reports (the
metaphor: you get your documents printed on professional stationary!)

10.  (Toughest part) some recycling mechanism to make sure Land doesn't
get stuck with the richest.  Best mechanism I can come up with is
a Disaster - once a month one Land Unit randomly returned to Agora
(metaphor of being foreclosed due to crops being lost) other mechanics


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