Remember, periods are Agoran Weeks, not 7 days. I know bc I made the
same mistake for like four reports.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Alexis Hunt <> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 at 19:34 ATMunn <> wrote:
>> My first report! You may notice that this looks different in some ways
>> than what you're used to; I have changed some formatting things from
>> V.J. Rada's last ADoP report (mainly the spacing, but also some minor
>> details) You may (and probably will) also notice errors. I have tried to
>> make sure everything is correct, but it is still just my first report.
>> =====Metareport=====
>> This report is effective as of the time of its publishing.
>> Date of last report: 2017-10-08 [by the previous ADoP, V.J. Rada]
>> Date of this report: 2017-10-24
>> Filled offices: 100%
>> Late reports: 25%
>> Please do not call elections for every office, thank you.
>> Office             Holder           Since        Last Election
>> Elect?[3]
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Arbitor            G.               2017-09-15   2017-09-14        Y
>> Assessor           G.               2017-09-04   2017-09-28
>> ADoP[1]            ATMunn           2017-10-20   2017-10-08
>> Herald             G.               2017-09-06   2017-09-06        Y
>> Prime Minister     Alexis           2017-10-20   2017-10-08
>> Promotor           Aris             2016-10-21   2017-09-14        Y
>> Referee            V.J. Rada        2017-10-24   Interim[4]        Y
>> Registrar          PSS[2]           2017-04-18   2017-09-14        Y
>> Regkeepor          Aris             2017-07-06   2017-09-06        Y
>> Reportor           天火狐            2017-08-10   2017-09-06        Y
>> Rulekeepor         PSS              2017-10-22   Interim           Y
>> Treasuror          o                2016-10-22   Interim           Y
>> Speaker            Quazie           2017-09-09   2014-04-21        Never
>> Superintendent     V.J. Rada        2017-09-28   2017-09-22
>> Surveyor           o                2017-05-08   2017-09-14        Y
>> Tailor             Alexis           2017-10-01   2017-09-28        Y
>> Agronomist         o                2017-09-21   2017-09-14        Y
>> Fearmongor         G.               2017-09-27   Interim[5]        Y
>> Notary             o                2017-10-22   Interim           Y
> CoEs: The office of Superintendent no longer exists. The Treasuror is just a
> renamed Secretaroy, so o has held the office longer than indicated.
> For the "Last Election" column, there are a few issues:
> - The rules require the report include "The current status of the ongoing
> election for that office or, if there is no ongoing election for that
> office, the date on which the last election ended." For the offices
> indicated as interim, you don't include a date. For the offices for which an
> election is under way (Agronomist, Surveyor, Notary, and Rulekeeport, at
> least), there is no status. Finally, for many of the other offices, the
> "Last Election" date appears to be the date that the elections were
> initiated (which was included in the older report), not the date on which
> the elections were resolved.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [1] Associate Director of Personnel
>> [2] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> [3] Anyone may inititate elections for these positions without being
>> the ADoP or 4 support.
> This note no longer accurately reflects the rules.
>> [4] Interim offices are offices that are either vacant, or the holder
>> of the office was not elected to that office.
>> [5] I don't know when or how e got the office, I assume it is interim.
> E was appointed by proposal; e is indeed interim.
>> Office          Monthly?     Report                    Last Published
>>      Late[1]
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ADoP[2]                      Offices                   2017-10-08
> This is that report, no?
>> Arbitor                      Judicial matters          2017-10-21
>> Herald          Y            Patent titles             2017-09-04
>> !
> This is a monthly report, and October isn't over yet, so it's not missed.
>> Herald                       Matters of Honour         2017-10-21
>> Promotor                     Proposal pool             2017-10-15
>>          ![4]
> I think this was published on the 16th, meaning it isn't late. Make sure to
> check UTC, not your local time.
>> Referee                      Rule violations           2017-10-24
>> Registrar                    Players, Fora             2017-10-22
>> Registrar       Y            Player history            2017-10-01
>> Regkeepor                    Regulations               2017-10-20
>> Reportor                     The Agoran Newspaper      2017-10-16
>> Rulekeepor                   Short Logical Ruleset     2017-10-23
>> Rulekeepor      Y            Full Logical Ruleset      2017-10-22
>> Treasuror                    OLEBaS[3]                 2017-10-13
>> !
> Many of the elements of this report were repealed.
>> Treasuror       Y            Charters                  2017-10-04
> I believe this report was repealed as well.
>> Superintendent               Agencies (incremental)    2017-10-18
>> Superintendent  Y            Agencies (Full)           2017-09-27
>  Superintendent was repealed.
>> Surveyor                     Estates                   2017-10-11
>> !
>> Tailor          Y            Ribbons                   2017-10-01
>> Agronomist                   Farms                     2017-10-10
>> !!
> This report is only one period overdue.
>> Notary                       Contracts                 Never
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [1] ! = 1 period missed. !! = 2 periods missed. !!! = 3+ periods missed.
>> [2] Associate Director of Personnel
>> [3] Organizations, Lockout, Expenditure, Balances, and Shinies
>> [4] This might not actually be a problem?

>From V.J. Rada

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