The text of the rules has this to say:
"Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an Official proposal
<> is always pending. Rules to the
contrary notwithstanding, players CANNOT
<> claim rewards for the adoption
of an Official proposal."

So you can't claim the reward, and you can't spend money to "pend" it.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 1:47 PM, Alex Smith <>

> On Wed, 2017-10-25 at 02:40 +0000, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> > Campaign Proposals are Official Proposals, so they don't need manual
> > pending.
> If you decide to pay the shinies to pend one even though it's already
> pending, does it then pay out shinies if it passes?
> --
> ais523

>From V.J. Rada

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