I support.

On Oct 25, 2017 9:04 PM, "Kerim Aydin" <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> [OK, you folks with your forced deregistrations by proposal are rushing
> me].
> PLEASE withdraw those deregistrations.  This is a much better idea - Trust
> me!
> Draft Proposal, AI-2 (re-enactment for fearmongor):
> Re-enact the following Rule (I need to look up the Rule number):
>     Master is a player switch with possible values of any player,
>     and Agora.  Every player's default Master is emself.  A player
>     CAN always set eir own master to emself by announcement.
>     A person whose Master is not emself is a Zombie.
>     If a player has not made a public announcement in 60 days, then
>     any player CAN flip that player's Master to Agora by announcement.
>     A zombie's master CAN act on behalf of the zombie to perform
>     any LEGAL action that the Zombie CAN perform via public
>     announcement.
>     Whenever a player has Agora for a master, the Registrar SHALL
>     in a timely fashion initiate an auction for that zombie.
>     (insert auction specifics here).

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