Without Objection is how it is now (and people who object to deregistering ANYONE keep that from working as intended), 2 Agoran Consent seems a little... too easy? 3 is how much you'd need to do it by proposal, and given that Agoran Consent is a little easier than that anyway it seems fitting enough. The difference is about 8% in the end anyway, is the lack of any other instances of 3 Agoran Consent truly a dealbreaking concern?

On 2017-10-31 21:37, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
You should make it without objection or with 2 Agoran Consent.

On 10/30/2017 10:29 PM, Telnaior wrote:
I won't be looking to use this immediately since it looks like zombies
are becoming a thing, but if you want proper procedure for
deregistering in future let's try this?

I create the following proposal and use an Action Point to flip its
Imminence switch to pending:

Title: Deregistration Fix
Author: Telnaior
AI: 3
Amend Rule 869 ("How to Join and Leave Agora", power 3) as follows:
Modify the string "If a player has not sent a message to a public
forum in the last month, then any player CAN deregister em without
to "If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in the last
month, then any player CAN deregister em with 3 Agoran Consent."

Still only works for inactives, and the requirements are still rather
tight (stronger consent than anywhere else in the rules) but don't
require absolute unanimity. The player themselves can still block it
by posting as well, of course, since the inactivity condition is
evaluated at the action itself rather than the intent.

7946*  Telnaior       3.0  MASUAC [4]                   Telnaior
1 AP
AGAINST, use (and fix?) deregistration without objection.

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