Can you post the full text of what "Boo!" does?

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
<> wrote:
> Accepted.
> I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 7948-7953 below.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
>  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
>  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
>  decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
>  before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]
> ID     Author(s)      AI   Title                        Pender      Pend fee
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 7948*  o              1.0  FV Restoration               o           2 sh.
> 7949x  V.J. Rada      3.0  HYGAVTFT [7]                 V.J. Rada   2 sh.
> 7950*  G.             2.0  Boooo!                       G.          OP [2]
> 7951*  G.             1.0  Zombie Auctions              G.          OP [2]
> 7952*  G.             2.0  It LIVES                     G.          1 AP
> 7953*  Alexis         3.0  Vote Specification Fix       Alexis      1 AP
> |         | 7948 | 7949 | 7950 | 7951 | 7952 | 7953 |
> |---------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |Alexis   | FF   | AA   | AA   | AA   | FF   | FF   |
> |Aris     | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |ATMunn   | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |o        | F    | A    | F    | A    | A    | F    |
> |PSS      | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |Telnaior | F    | A    | A    | F    | F    | F    |
> |Trigon   | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |VJ Rada  | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    |
> |---------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
> |F/A      | 9/0  | 1/8  | 6/3  | 5/4  | 8/1  | 9/0  |
> |AI       | 1.0  | 3.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  | 2.0  | 3.0  |
> |V        | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    |
> |Q        | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    |
> |P        | T    | F    | T    | T    | T    | T    |
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7948
> Title: FV Restoration
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> If rule 2456 (“The Treasuror”) does not already contain it, add the following
> paragraph to the end of that rule:
>   The Treasuror CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement. As 
> part
>   of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of 
> Shinies
>   owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value.
>   E SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Treasuror
>   discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value and e
>   would not otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set the 
> value
>   to what it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7951
> Title: Zombie Auctions
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Re-enact Rule 1885 (power-1) with a title "Zombie Auctions" and the
> following text:
>   Whenever a zombie has Agora for a master and an auction for it
>   is not underway or been won in the last seven days, then the
>   Registrar CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, put the specified
>   zombie up for auction by announcement. Each auction ends seven
>   days after it begins.
>   During an auction, any player who is not a zombie CAN bid a
>   number of Shinies for the specified zombie by announcement.
>   The winner of the auction, if any, is the player who bids the
>   highest number of shinies, with ties broken in favor of the
>   earlier bidder.  The winner CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion,
>   flip the zombie's master to the winner by announcement, if e
>   pays Agora the amount of the bid for the explicit and sole
>   purpose of fulfilling this requirement. If there are no bids,
>   the auction has no winner.
>   If a zombie being auctioned ceases to have Agora as a master at
>   any time between the initiation of the auction and the winner
>   becoming the zombie's master (or failing to do so in a timely
>   fashion after the auction), then the auction has no winner, and
>   any obligations to pay for the zombie are voided.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7952
> Title: It LIVES
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Increase the power of R1885 (Zombie Auctions) to 2.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7953
> Title: Vote Specification Fix
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 107 (Initiating Agoran Decisions) by replacing the list item "A 
> clear
> indication of the set of valid votes." with two list items: "The voting 
> method."
> and "A clear description of the valid options.", by renumbering the list
> accordingly, by replacing the period of each list item other than the last
> with a semicolon, and by inserting " and" at the end of the second-to-last
> list item.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> On 11/12/2017 06:05 PM, VJ Rada wrote:
>> I don't think so? (also, sent to me not a mailing list) JATC was ruled
>> by CFJ to make nothing illegal, and then repealed before the end of
>> the voting period I think? So, it's pretty unambiguous that it
>> illegalizes nothing. This matters because if my votes counted, Boo!
>> passed. Therefore, I CoE: Your votes for me are wrong.
>> On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> <> wrote:
>>> Your votes were indeterminable due to JATC.
>>> On 11/12/2017 06:01 PM, VJ Rada wrote:
>>>> Dude, I didn't vote present on everything. I'm like 99 % sure of that.
>>>> On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
>>>>> what even happens now.
>>>>> On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 7948-7953 below.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> [This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
>>>>>>  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
>>>>>>  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
>>>>>>  decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
>>>>>>  before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]
>>>>>> ID     Author(s)      AI   Title                        Pender      Pend 
>>>>>> fee
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> 7948*  o              1.0  FV Restoration               o           2 sh.
>>>>>> 7949x  V.J. Rada      3.0  HYGAVTFT [7]                 V.J. Rada   2 sh.
>>>>>> 7950x  G.             2.0  Boooo!                       G.          OP 
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> 7951*  G.             1.0  Zombie Auctions              G.          OP 
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> 7952*  G.             2.0  It LIVES                     G.          1 AP
>>>>>> 7953*  Alexis         3.0  Vote Specification Fix       Alexis      1 AP
>>>>>> |         | 7948 | 7949 | 7950 | 7951 | 7952 | 7953 |
>>>>>> |---------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
>>>>>> |Alexis   | FF   | AA   | AA   | AA   | FF   | FF   |
>>>>>> |Aris     | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
>>>>>> |ATMunn   | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
>>>>>> |o        | F    | A    | F    | A    | A    | F    |
>>>>>> |PSS      | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
>>>>>> |Telnaior | F    | A    | A    | F    | F    | F    |
>>>>>> |Trigon   | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    |
>>>>>> |VJ Rada  | P    | P    | P    | P    | P    | P    |
>>>>>> |---------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
>>>>>> |F/A      | 8/0  | 0/8  | 5/3  | 5/3  | 7/1  | 8/0  |
>>>>>> |AI       | 1.0  | 3.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  | 2.0  | 3.0  |
>>>>>> |V        | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    |
>>>>>> |Q        | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    | 8    |
>>>>>> |P        | T    | F    | F    | T    | T    | T    |
>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> ID: 7948
>>>>>> Title: FV Restoration
>>>>>> Adoption index: 1.0
>>>>>> Author: o
>>>>>> Co-authors:
>>>>>> If rule 2456 (“The Treasuror”) does not already contain it, add the 
>>>>>> following
>>>>>> paragraph to the end of that rule:
>>>>>>   The Treasuror CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement. 
>>>>>> As part
>>>>>>   of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of 
>>>>>> Shinies
>>>>>>   owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value.
>>>>>>   E SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Treasuror
>>>>>>   discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value 
>>>>>> and e
>>>>>>   would not otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set 
>>>>>> the value
>>>>>>   to what it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> ID: 7951
>>>>>> Title: Zombie Auctions
>>>>>> Adoption index: 1.0
>>>>>> Author: G.
>>>>>> Co-authors:
>>>>>> Re-enact Rule 1885 (power-1) with a title "Zombie Auctions" and the
>>>>>> following text:
>>>>>>   Whenever a zombie has Agora for a master and an auction for it
>>>>>>   is not underway or been won in the last seven days, then the
>>>>>>   Registrar CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, put the specified
>>>>>>   zombie up for auction by announcement. Each auction ends seven
>>>>>>   days after it begins.
>>>>>>   During an auction, any player who is not a zombie CAN bid a
>>>>>>   number of Shinies for the specified zombie by announcement.
>>>>>>   The winner of the auction, if any, is the player who bids the
>>>>>>   highest number of shinies, with ties broken in favor of the
>>>>>>   earlier bidder.  The winner CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion,
>>>>>>   flip the zombie's master to the winner by announcement, if e
>>>>>>   pays Agora the amount of the bid for the explicit and sole
>>>>>>   purpose of fulfilling this requirement. If there are no bids,
>>>>>>   the auction has no winner.
>>>>>>   If a zombie being auctioned ceases to have Agora as a master at
>>>>>>   any time between the initiation of the auction and the winner
>>>>>>   becoming the zombie's master (or failing to do so in a timely
>>>>>>   fashion after the auction), then the auction has no winner, and
>>>>>>   any obligations to pay for the zombie are voided.
>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> ID: 7952
>>>>>> Title: It LIVES
>>>>>> Adoption index: 2.0
>>>>>> Author: G.
>>>>>> Co-authors:
>>>>>> Increase the power of R1885 (Zombie Auctions) to 2.
>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> ID: 7953
>>>>>> Title: Vote Specification Fix
>>>>>> Adoption index: 3.0
>>>>>> Author: Alexis
>>>>>> Co-authors:
>>>>>> Amend rule 107 (Initiating Agoran Decisions) by replacing the list item 
>>>>>> "A clear
>>>>>> indication of the set of valid votes." with two list items: "The voting 
>>>>>> method."
>>>>>> and "A clear description of the valid options.", by renumbering the list
>>>>>> accordingly, by replacing the period of each list item other than the 
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> with a semicolon, and by inserting " and" at the end of the 
>>>>>> second-to-last
>>>>>> list item.
>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>>>> --
>>>>> From V.J. Rada
>>> --
>>> ----
>>> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> --
> ----
> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

>From V.J. Rada

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