> On Oct 5, 2017, at 11:32 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>> On Sep 29, 2017, at 4:00 AM, Aris Merchant 
>> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I love this idea. It seems very practical without sacrificing
>> usability for the end users (i.e. the players). I have a few
>> suggestions:
>> 1. Who annotates. I think giving everyone access to the annotation
>> interface would probably make sense. You can't personally annotate
>> every message affecting the entire gamestate, and I'd love to help set
>> the formats I'm consuming for Promotor. nichdel came up with a
>> proposal format suggestion, and now that this has come along I'm
>> modifying it to have more information for the Promotor side of the
>> Promotor-Assessor pipeline. I'm sure other officers have input on how
>> formalization for their parts of the gamestate should take place, and
>> they have a unique understanding of what information is needed to do
>> their jobs.
> This is, I strongly believe, the correct answer. We’re none of us as creative 
> or as thorough as all of us, just as a starting point, but I do genuinely 
> believe this could be useful for other officers, and even random Agorans. It 
> might also help provide some continuity between officers if it works out.
> Right now, the API for this thing is totally unsecured - no authn or authz, 
> no abuse detection, no rate limits, nothing. I trust Agorans fairly far, and 
> I don’t think anyone here would make a problem out of this - other than maybe 
> by putting in intentionally-bogus annotations to try to cause self-ratifying 
> reports to be wrong in useful ways, anyways - but that trust does not extend 
> to the internet at large. I’d like to address that, or at least to add some 
> username/password/API token authentication even without any authorization 
> layer, before I open it up further.

I’ve implemented this 
 which means I feel comfortable publishing the URL now. Cadastre is available 
at https://cadastre.herokuapp.com/ <https://cadastre.herokuapp.com/> with an 
API documentation endpoint at https://cadastre.herokuapp.com/docs/ 
<https://cadastre.herokuapp.com/docs/>. This is NOT A LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT, 
since the docs are woefully incomplete - a bare list of endpoints doesn’t 
really qualify - but you can see the data I’m using to generate the Surveyor’s 
report by poking the compute_state endpoint:

> The other blocker for general adoption is a user interface. Right now I have 
> a CLI tool (https://github.com/ojacobson/cadastre-cli/), and I plan on 
> publishing docs for the HTTP API to hopefully make it possible to do other 
> things with this, but there’s no HTML UI. I don’t think that’s viable if 
> anyone other than the most hard-core software heads are going to touch it.

I’ve still been focussing on the CLI I use to work with this document store, 
but I still think an HTML UI is essential. I put it off because…

>> 2. Annotation style. As you've mentioned, your format is a bit forced.
>> You're doing a great job with what you have to work with, but I think
>> the basic problem may be that you're trying to use markup to represent
>> transactions. It works wonderfully for representing the data (and
>> should probably be a base format for that), but poorly for
>> representing things like conditional actions. You can add and add to
>> the format, but you'll just be making it more complicated to use. I
>> suggest you consider using programs (possibly with methods you
>> provide) as annotations. It feels kind of intuitively weird to
>> represent an annotation as a program, and they don't have the nice
>> formal properties the data itself does (except maybe if you used
>> Haskell or something), but I think it might be a lot more practical
>> for actual use. Programs allow for loops, unrestricted conditionals,
>> and the like, meaning that you don't have to work something out by
>> hand or create a new transaction type just for one complicated
>> transaction. They would work well for this because they take data and
>> compute changes, which is exactly what our action system does. There
>> is thus a neat one-to-one correspondence between an action and a
>> program.

…Aris was right. Patch-style annotations are impractical at any kind of scale, 
because they’re not flexible enough, and fixing that issue requires coding a 
surprising amount of Agora’s rules into the system. I’m not up for that; I’d 
prefer to keep the rules on the outside.

> All of which is a long-winded way of saying that if the annotations are code, 
> then I suspect we’ll have to design a programming language. That’s not 
> terribly daunting to me - I’ve done language work before - but I might put 
> that off and use json-patch for now to demonstrate the basic concept, then 
> write a tool for converting json-patch annotations to code annotations once 
> it’s clearer what that code should look like and how it should be evaluated.

So I did this. Over the last week, I wrote a lisp implementation in Python 
<https://github.com/ojacobson/actinide>), since I couldn’t find an embeddable 
language that was both usable (sorry, V8) and reliably unwilling to give its 
users filesystem access (sorry, Lua). It’s still a work in progress, but it’s 
runnable, and I’m going to take a shot at replacing the Cadastre annotations 
system with tiny lisp programs “soon.”

I hope these updates are interesting. Cadastre is an ambitious project, but I 
think its goals are within reach. Writing up these reports gives me a chance to 
reflect on progress, and a chance to seek further input.


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