I've come up with 1 politician name for each political party:

Platonic Isolationists - Aristotle
New Punchbowl Reformers - Nick P. Ronald
Costume Conservatives - Pinocchio
Substance Use Liberals - The Drunk Clinton (please nobody get offended)
Official Raving Monster Looney Party - Weird Al

One other one I came up with just to throw in there: Rob Boss

Bonus points to anyone who figures out the reasoning behind Pinocchio.

On 11/17/2017 7:48 PM, Madeline wrote:
Since the party proposal is set to be passing, I'd like to get some good pun 
names brought in for our array of Politicians. I can offer rewards too (likely 
a shiny or two per name), and you'll be sparing us all from a terrible fate of 
auspol jokes!

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