On Sun, 19 Nov 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> > Because V.J. Rada did not pay 1011 shinies as a single action, eir purchase
> > failed, and this CFJ is FALSE. E retains all of eir shinies, because they 
> > did
> > not in the end accomplish their clearly stated goal.
> I intend, with two support, to file a motion to reconsider.
> I agree with the overarching logic of this decision, and expect that the 
> reconsidered 
> judgement on the statement in question should stand, but I’m concerned that 
> this may
> set the precedent that an action intended to lead to a future consequence can 
> be un-done, 
> retroactively, if the consequence fails.

So if the Pend price is 2, and I try to spend 1 shiny in one message
"for the purpose of pending the proposal" and then try to do the
second one in a second message, you're suggesting that this counts
as retroactive un-doing?  It seems to me that, they way we've been
playing, the first one just fails right away because it didn't do the
intended thing.

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