On Mon, 20 Nov 2017, Corona wrote:

Also, what is the point of campaign proposals? (Except for proposing
overpowered powers for yourself and ensuring nobody else gets them)
Seems like tying a proposal coming into force to your being elected
will lower the chances of either happening; players who like one, but
not the other are IMO more likely to vote against both than if you ran
for an election and submitted a proposal separately.

This prompted me to look at the rules for those, and I noticed something subtly off:

Rule 2513:

      When a Campaign Proposal is adopted, it CANNOT take effect until
      the associated election ends.

Rule 2034:

      A public message purporting to resolve an Agoran decision
      constitutes self-ratifying claims that
      3. (if the indicated outcome was to adopt a proposal) such a
         proposal existed, was adopted, and took effect.

I think 1551 saves the day:

                            Such a modification cannot add
      inconsistencies between the gamestate and the rules,

although, does this mean a Campaign Proposal adoption never self-ratifies?

Maybe that depends on whether the parts of 3. above are individual self-ratifying claims or not.


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