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Subject: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [CFJ] Stamp destruction
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 21:16:50 -0800
From: Edward Murphy <>
To: Kerim Aydin <>

G. wrote:

On Thu, 7 Sep 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
It’s also to deal with situations where the platonic gamestate and the
apprehended gamestate have diverged too radically to be resolved.
G., were you around when Agora had exactly 1 player, for long enough
to pass some proposals to fix game state?

For various reasons it turned out that many office changes that we
thought had gone through had failed (I think for about 6 months), so
we had no idea who held many offices (including Promotor and Assessor),
and many things that only an Officer CAN do were invalid, basically
6 months of play broken.

Since only those two could get a proposal through, we couldn't fix it
via proposal.  We also didn't have deputization at the time, so we
couldn't just have someone grab an office.  Nor did we have "Agora is
a Nomic" protection for the proposal system, IIRC.

But the rules *were* specifically written so that, through a kinda
complicated succession system, if there was ever only one player, that
player would officially hold all offices, so the "protection" was
that one player could always bootstrap the game if e was the only

So we all quit the game except one person, so we then knew 100% who was
allowed to do the jobs, and e got a Proposal through fixing everything.

IIRC, rather than deregistering, we all announced something like:
  "If I'm Promotor, I resign, naming <the one person> as my successor.
   If I'm Assessor, I resign, naming <the one person> as my successor."
and then, having collapsed that much of the quantum gamestate to a known
state, <the one person> processed a fix proposal.

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