Proto-Proposal: Politician Fixes v1.1
(AI = 2, co-author: Alexis)

Amend Rule 2536 (Taken Under Advisement) by replacing this text:

      A player CAN, by announcement, spend Favours in a Party to gain
      Influence over that Politican, depending on the Politician's

with this text:

      A player CAN, by announcement, spend Favours in a Politician's
      Party to gain Influence over that Politician, depending on the
      Politician's Echelon:

[same party only, also spelling fix]

Amend Rule 2542 (Favour Awards) by replacing this text:

      - For each voter who has not voted on an Agoran decision resolved
        earlier in the same Agoran week, e SHALL award that player 2
        Favours in the Party holding Participaiton.

with this text:

      - For each voter who voted on that Agoran decision and did not
        already receive this type of award earlier in the same Agoran
        week, e SHALL award that player 2 Favours in the Party holding

[same intent but easier to understand, also spelling fix]

and by replacing this text:

      As part of eir weekly duties, the Clork SHALL award, to the
      Advisor of a Politician holding one of the below offices, 3
      Favours in the corresponding Party:

with this text:

      As part of eir weekly duties, the Clork SHALL award, to the
      Advisor of a Politician holding one of the below Posts, 3
      Favours in the corresponding Party:

[Politicians hold Posts, not offices]

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