Wait how did you of all people end up as Referee
Geeze this game

On 2018-03-14 08:13, Cuddle Beam wrote:
Hello. I submit the following Referee report. Nothing has happened
since the last one. Cheers.

---------------* ---------------

Recent events:

4 Feb 2017 Cuddlebeam Pointed a Finger at themselves for existing. Found
SHENANIGANS. 8 Feb 2017 Cuddlebeam is issued a Red Card by Summary
Judgement for not Treating Agora Right. 9 Feb 2017 Cuddlebeam Pointed a
Finger at G for impersonating good faith for the purpose of a personal
agenda. Red Card issued. 12 Feb 2017 Telnaoir Pointed a Finger at
themselves for abuse of power. Blue Card issued. 1 March 2017 G. Pink Slips
themselves from Referee via Summary Judgement.

----Previous Report----

(Nothing of note has happened)

----Time of Last Report----

(Nothing of note has happened)

Green Cards: Player On Reason
----------------------------------------------- P.S.S.[1] May 16, 2017
Tardiness P.S.S.[1] May 20, 2017 Ambiguity Murphy Jun 22, 2017 Faking
Gaelan Jun 23, 2017 Tardiness Gaelan Jun 23, 2017 Tardiness o Jul 11, 2017
Tardiness V.J Rada Jul 14, 2017 Making My Eyes Bleed o Jul 18, 2017
Tardiness o Jul 29, 2017 Tardiness Gaelan Jul 29, 2017 Late Judgement o Sep
4, 2017 Rule 2498 Quazie Sep 7, 2017 Rule 2201 天火狐 Sep 12, 2017 No reason o
Sep 12, 2017 Rule 2426 o Sep 12, 2017 Rule 2478 V.J Rada Sep 15, 2017 Rule
2496 nichdel Sep 20, 2017 Rule 2450 o Sep 20, 2017 Rule 2478 o Sep 22, 2017
Rule 2426 V.J Rada Sep 24, 2017 Rule 2143 CuddleBeam Sep 26, 2017 No reason
CuddleBeam Sep 26, 2017 No reason o Sep 26, 2017 Rule 2426 P.S.S.[1] Sep
27, 2017 Rule 2143 V.J Rada Oct 3, 2017 Rule 2471 o Oct 4, 2017 Rule 2479
Aris Oct 11, 2017 Rule 2143 o Oct 11, 2017 Rule 2456 o Oct 11, 2017 Rule
2456 o Oct 24, 2017 Tardiness V.J. Rada Oct 24, 2017 No Finger Response
V.J. Rada Oct 24, 2017 No Finger Response o Oct 31, 2017 R2156 Lateness 天火狐
Nov 21, 2017: Tardiness [1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius
Scholasticus. Blue Cards Player On Reason Fine
------------------------------------------------------- ATMunn Nov 6, 2017
Quorum Not Stated {2sh} Alexis Nov 6, 2017 Quorum Not Stated {2sh} Fines in
{} indicate no Fine Levied. Fines in [] indicate Fine Levied, but not paid
Yellow Cards: Player Until Reason Apology Words
------------------------------------------------------- Quazie (Apr 26,
2017) Bankruptcy o (Apr 22, 2017) Tardiness o (Jul 15, 2017) Tardiness o
(Jul 15, 2017) Tardiness CuddleBeam Jul 16, 2017 Tardiness P.S.S.[1] Sep
15, 2017 Rule 2143 o (Aug 23, 2017) Rule 2491 Quazie (Sep 13, 2017) Rule
2450 V.J Rada (Sep 15, 2017) Being bad Gaelan Nov 24, 2017 Tardiness
Nichdel Dec 6, 2017 PCI[2] [3] [1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius
Scholasticus. [2] Pledge Called In [3] nichdel's apology words are: "I,
will, not, break, any, pledges, or, be, untimely, sorry." Dates in ()
indicate completed apology. Red Cards: Player On Reason
---------------------------------- Cuddlebeam Jul 21, 2017 Faking V.J. Rada
Nov 20, 2017 R2491 Cuddlebeam Feb 8, 2017 Not Treating Agora Right G. Feb
9, 2017 Impersonating good faith Pink Slips: Player On Office Reason
-------------------------------------------- Gaelan May 22, 2017 Rulekeepor
Forgery G. March 1, 2017 Referee Negligence Pledges: Quazie - I pledge to
give 1 Shiny to the first person who can, correctly, with e-mail citations,
explain what I did wrong on Jan 20th 2009 that has since led to me being a
fugitive. For the explanation to be valid for this pledge, it should be
fully self contained, I should not have to go look up past rules in order
to understand the explanation (So please, include all source info in the
explanation). V.J Rada - I pledge not to make any thread titles completely
unrelated to the email's content, nor use any agency or other mechanism to
attempt to gain control of any player at the exclusion of all other
players. Gaelan (14 Sep 2017) - I pledge to, for at least the next month,
vote AGAINST any proposal that amends rules by providing new text in full
unless the text of the rule is nearly entirely changed. nichdel - I pledge
to vote AGAINST on all proposals created or pended by Cuddle Beam. nichdel
- I pledge to Object to all intentions by Cuddle Beam that I can object to.
nichdel - I pledge to give a trust token and 5 shinies (as soon as
possible) to any other player who also performs the above three pledges,
except Cuddle Beam. nichdel - I pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh
T. Publius Scribonius Scholasticus - I too pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as
Josh or Josh T. Publius Scribonius Scholasticus - I...pledge to fix the
margins, if the issue is explained to me. Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I pledge to deputize for the rulekeepor on October 19, 2017, if it is still
possible. G. (referring to CFJ 3575)- I pledge that, if the below CFJ is
found TRUE and survives the Reconsideration/Moot time frame, I will
transfer 41 Shinies to Agora as unofficial payment for this (and no other
purpose). G. - I pledge to act on exactly one of the above intents
(assuming at leastone receives the appropriate Consent), using the ratio of
Support/Object as a guide to the appropriate one, with ties or mixed
consensus broken in favor of the higher degree. [Referee's note: This
pledge refers to intents in the message listed here:
https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-official@agoranomic.org/msg08445.html ]
Cuddlebeam - I pledge to hook people up in a reasonable amount of time,
according to the message above, during what's left of the current month and
November. [Referee's note: This pledge refers to the message listed at
https://www.mail-archive.com/agora business at agoranomic.org/msg30230.html]
V.J. Rada - I pledge to give a win and a black ribbon to everyone who votes
for "hopefully you guys all vote for this" if that passes. ATMunn - I
pledge to either pend or withdraw the below proposal before the beginning
of the next Agoran week. o - (Nov 7, '17) I pledge to pay 5 sh. to the
first person to publicly identify the specific bug I fixed in the
Surveyor’s report this week, provided their answer includes either the
word, some synonym for the word, or some observation related to the word,
whose sha256 hash is
e2c2bf1fdea49d1d90f7e17ac158016862f213b42f88b760aee47f697205d83a, and that
I will disclose the word as part of the reward if it is collected. o - I
pledge to distribute the payment in a timely fashion if the CFJ finds that
CuddleBeam’s payment did, in fact, occur. [Referee's note: e's referring to
a payment made by Cuddlebeam in accordance with the rule "Poetry Duel
Challenge Writ", which is the subject of a currently unnassigned CFJ. I
would appreciate it if you guys created pledges with the context included
in them.] Trigon - I pledge that if I do not win the election for
Rulekeepor, I will put myself up as a candidate for this election.
[Referee's note: E's referring to the Fearmongor election on 6 Nov 2017]
V.J. Rada - I pledge to, weekly, if I am Referee, publish a document called
"Pledges you should withdraw", listing pledges that have already been
completed or are impossible. V.J. Rada - I pledge not to point any fingers
Alexis - I pledge to transfer 5 shinies to the author of the first proposal
that gives the Rulekeepor authority, under Cleanup Time, to additionally
correct, at least: missing periods at the end of sentences, inconsistently
spelled game terminology, and pronoun use (including inappropriate use of
Spivak pronouns in plural contexts). Corona - I also pledge not to use such
pretentious words in the future. OscarMeyr - If nominated[Referee's note:
for Herald?], I pledge not to qualify.

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