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From: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus <p.scribonius.scholasti...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 6:37 PM
Subject: BUS: Test, not a ruleset
To: Agora Business <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org>


Most Recent Ruleset Change Recorded:
  Proposal 8052 (Let's not make game assets...) took effect 15 June 2018
Highest Rule ID ever assigned: 2575

The Game of Agora
Rule 101/17 (Power=4.0)
The Game of Agora

      Agora is a game of Nomic, wherein Persons, acting in accordance
      with the Rules, communicate their game Actions and/or results of
      these actions via Fora in order to play the game. The game may be
      won, but the game never ends.

      Please treat Agora Right Good Forever.

Initial Immutable Rule 101 at Agora's birth, Jun 30, 1993
Mutated from MI=unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1480, Mar 15, 1995
Amended(1) by Proposal 3915 (harvel), Sep 27, 1999
Amended(2) by Proposal 4833 (Maud), Aug 06, 2005
Amended(3) by Proposal 4866 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(4) by Proposal 4867 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(5) by Proposal 4887 (Murphy), Jan 22, 2007
Amended(6) by Proposal 4944 (Zefram), May 03, 2007
Amended(7) by Proposal 5090 (Zefram), Jul 25, 2007
Amended(8) by Proposal 5731 [disinterested] (G.), Oct 08, 2008
Retitled by Proposal 5769 (G.), Oct 17, 2008
Amended(9) by Proposal 5769 (G.), Oct 17, 2008
Amended(10) by Proposal 5773 (G.), Oct 17, 2008
Amended(11) by Proposal 6028 (Murphy), Jan 08, 2009
Amended(12) by Proposal 6158 (G.), Mar 31, 2009
Amended(13) by Proposal 6589 [disinterested] (omd), Dec 06, 2009
Amended(14) by Proposal 7183 (G.), Feb 26, 2012
Amended(15) by Proposal 7596 (omd), Sep 14, 2013
Retitled by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(16) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(17) by Proposal 7743 (G.), May 12, 2015
Power changed from power 3.0 to 4.0 by Proposal 7889 "Agora Protection
  Act" (Aris), Sep 26, 2017

CFJ 24:
  Players must obey the Rules even in out-of-game actions.
CFJ 825 (called Nov 07, 1995):
  Players must obey the Rules even if no Rule says so.
CFJ 1848 (called Dec 21, 2007):
  The game must operate according to the rules that prevail at the time,
  and not attempt to incorporate any retroactive changes made in the
CFJ 1709 (called Jul 26, 2007):
  The rules are binding on all those who play the game in the broader
  sense, regardless of whether they have the rule-defined status of
CFJ 1911-1914 (called Mar 18, 2008):
  Physical realities supersede the Rules by default.

Rule 1698/5 (Power=4.0)
Agora Is A Nomic

      Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
      combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes
      to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a
      four-week period.

      If, but for this rule, the net effect of a proposal would cause
      Agora to become ossified, or would cause Agora to cease to exist,
      it cannot take effect, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If
      any other single change or inseperable group of changes to the
      gamestate would cause Agora to become ossified, or would cause
      Agora to cease to exist, it is cancelled and does not occur, rules
      to the contrary notwithstanding.

Enacted by Proposal 3465 (Steve), Apr 26, 1997
Retitled by Proposal 5536 (Murphy), Jun 07, 2008
Amended(1) by Proposal 5536 (Murphy), Jun 07, 2008
Amended(2) by Proposal 7075 (Alexis), Jun 16, 2011
Amended(3) by Proposal 7088 (omd), Jul 23, 2011
Amended(4) by Proposal 7628 (ais523), Apr 07, 2014
Amended(5) by Proposal 7889 "Agora Protection Act" (Aris), Sep 26,
Power changed from power 3.0 to 4.0 by Proposal 7889 "Agora Protection
  Act" (Aris), Sep 26, 2017


Rule 869/44 (Power=3.0)
How to Join and Leave Agora

      Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
      communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person. Rules to
      the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are persons.

      Citizenship is a person switch with values Unregistered (default)
      and Registered, tracked by the Registrar. Changes to citizenship
      are secured. A registered person is a Player. To "register"
      someone is to flip that person's Citizenship switch from
      Unregistered to Registered.

      An Unregistered person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
      prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that
      indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
      intends to become a player at that time. A player CAN deregister
      (cease being a player) by announcement. If e does so, e CANNOT
      register or be registered for 30 days.

      A person, by registering, agrees to abide by the Rules. The Rules
      CANNOT otherwise bind a person to abide by any agreement without
      that person's willful consent.

      The Rules CANNOT compel non-players to act without their express
      or reasonably implied consent. The rules CANNOT compel players to
      unduly harass non-players. A non-person CANNOT be a player, rules
      to the contrary notwithstanding.

Enacted by Proposal 498 (Alexx), Sep 30, 1993
Amended by Proposal 869, around Apr 07, 1994
Amended(1) by Rule 750, around Apr 07, 1994
Amended(2) by Proposal 1313, Nov 12, 1994
Amended(3) by Proposal 1437, Feb 21, 1995
Amended(4) by Proposal 2040, Dec 11, 1995
Amended(5) by Proposal 2599, May 11, 1996
Amended(6) by Proposal 2718, Oct 23, 1996
Amended(7) by Proposal 3475 (Murphy), May 11, 1997, substantial
Amended(8) by Proposal 3740 (Repeal-O-Matic), May 08, 1998
Amended(9) by Proposal 3923 (harvel), Oct 10, 1999
Amended(10) by Proposal 4011 (Wes), Jun 01, 2000
Amended(11) by Proposal 4147 (Wes), May 13, 2001
Amended(12) by Proposal 4155 (harvel), May 18, 2001
Amended(13) by Proposal 4430 (Cecilius), Jan 16, 2003
Amended(14) by Proposal 4451 (Cecilius), Feb 22, 2003
Amended(15) by Proposal 4523 (Murphy), Aug 28, 2003
Amended(16) by Proposal 4693 (Maud), Apr 18, 2005
Amended(17) by Proposal 4802 (Muad), Jun 15, 2005
Amended(18) by Proposal 4833 (Maud), Aug 06, 2005
Amended(19) by Proposal 4989 (Zefram), Jun 06, 2007
Amended(20) by Proposal 5007 (Zefram), Jun 18, 2007
Amended(21) by Proposal 5011 (Zefram), Jun 24, 2007
Amended(22) by Proposal 5086 (Zefram), Aug 01, 2007
Amended(23) by Proposal 5111 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(24) by Proposal 5117 [disinterested] (Zefram), Aug 08, 2007
Amended(25) by Proposal 5156 (Zefram), Aug 29, 2007
Amended(26) by Proposal 5271 (Murphy), Nov 07, 2007
Power changed from power 1.0 to 2.0 by Proposal 5728 (ihope), Oct 07,
Amended(27) by Proposal 5728 (ihope), Oct 07, 2008
Amended(28) by Proposal 5973 (woggle), Nov 25, 2008
Amended(29) by Proposal 6099 (Pavitra), Feb 22, 2009
Amended(30) by Proposal 6349 (Pavitra), Jun 17, 2009
Amended(31) by Proposal 6382 (Murphy), Jul 03, 2009
Amended(32) by Proposal 6620 [disinterested] (Murphy), Feb 04, 2010
Amended(33) by Proposal 6974 (Murphy), Mar 30, 2011
Amended(34) by Proposal 7269 (FKA441344; with G.), Jul 25, 2012
Amended(35) by Proposal 7610 (G.), Dec 22, 2013
Power changed from power 2.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 7610 (G.), Dec 22,
Amended(36) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(37) by Proposal 7619 (woggle), Jan 24, 2014
Amended(38) by Proposal 7647 (omd), Jun 03, 2014
Amended(39) by Proposal 7734 (G.), May 02, 2015
Amended(40) by Proposal 7810 (nichdel), Sep 11, 2016
Amended(41) by Proposal 7924 "Contracts v8" (Aris; with Aris, o, G.,
  ais523, Gaelan, 天火狐, Cuddle Beam, V.J. Rada, Trigon, Alexis, P.S.S.),
  Oct 22, 2017
Amended(42) by Proposal 7931 "Registration fix finally" (G.), Nov 06,
Amended(43) by Proposal 7959 "Deregistration Fix" (Telnaior), Nov 12,
Amended(44) by Proposal 8051 (G.), Jun 15, 2018

CFJ 1275 (called Feb 19, 2001):
  An entity is a Player if the Rules cannot distinguish that entity from
  a Player.
CFJ 1263 (called Feb 05, 2001):
  Any message expressing a clear desire or intent to register as a
  Player counts as a request for registration, whether or not it is
  explicitly phrased in the manner stipulated by the rules.
CFJ 3558 (called Sep 06, 2017):
  Registering by publishing that you want to be a player is a different
  mechanism than registering "by announcement" and so gets around rules
  limitations on "registering by announcement".
CFJ 3625 (called Feb 12, 2018):
  The rules don't bind recently deregistered players to avoid
  re-registering, they merely declare such attempts ineffective. Also,
  agreeing to be bound by some of the rules doesn't count as agreeing to
  be bound by all of them.

Rule 478/34 (Power=3.0)

      Freedom of speech being essential for the healthy functioning of
      any non-Imperial nomic, it is hereby resolved that no Player shall
      be prohibited from participating in the Fora, nor shall any person
      create physical or technological obstacles that unduly favor some
      players' fora access over others.

      Publicity is a forum switch with values Public, Discussion, and
      Foreign (default), tracked by the Registrar. Changes to publicity
      are secured.

      The Registrar may change the publicity of a forum without
      objection as long as:

      1. e sends eir announcement of intent to that forum; and

      2. if the forum is to be made public, the announcement by which
         the Registrar makes that forum public is sent to all existing
         public fora.

      Each player should ensure e can receive messages via each public

      A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent to
      all players and containing a clear designation of intent to be
      public. A rule can also designate that a part of one public
      message is considered a public message in its own right. A person
      "publishes" or "announces" something by sending a public message.

      Where the rules define an action that CAN be performed "by
      announcement", a person performs that action by unambiguously and
      clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs it.
      Any action performed by sending a message is performed at the time
      date-stamped on that message. Actions in messages (including
      sub-messages) are performed in the order they appear in the
      message, unless otherwise specified.

Enacted by Proposal 478 (Jim Shea), Sep 20, 1993
Amended(1) by Proposal 1477, Mar 08, 1995
Amended(2) by Proposal 1576, Apr 28, 1995
Amended(3) by Proposal 1610, Jul 10, 1995
Amended(4) by Proposal 1700, Sep 01, 1995
Amended(5) by Proposal 2052, Dec 19, 1995
Amended(6) by Proposal 2400, Jan 20, 1996
Amended(7) by Proposal 2739 (Swann), Nov 07, 1996, substantial
Amended(8) by Proposal 2791 (Andre), Jan 30, 1997, substantial
Amended(9) by Proposal 3521 (Chuck), Jun 23, 1997, substantial
Amended(10) by Proposal 3823 (Ørjan), Jan 21, 1999
Amended(11) by Proposal 4147 (Wes), May 13, 2001
Amended(12) by Proposal 4248 (Murphy), Feb 19, 2002
Amended(13) by Proposal 4456 (Maud), Feb 22, 2003
Power changed from power 1.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 4690 (root), Apr 18,
Amended(14) by Proposal 4690 (root), Apr 18, 2005
Amended(15) by Proposal 4833 (Maud), Aug 06, 2005
Amended(16) by Proposal 4866 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(17) by Proposal 4939 (Murphy), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(18) by Proposal 5014 (Zefram), Jun 24, 2007
Amended(19) by Proposal 5111 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(20) by Proposal 5172 (Murphy), Aug 29, 2007
Amended(21) by Proposal 5272 [disinterested] (Murphy), Nov 07, 2007
Amended(22) by Proposal 5291 (root), Nov 14, 2007
Amended(23) by Proposal 5535 (Murphy), Jun 07, 2008
Amended(24) by Proposal 5613 (Quazie), Jul 29, 2008
Amended(25) by Proposal 5639 (Murphy), Jul 29, 2008
Amended(26) by Proposal 5818 (omd), Nov 01, 2008
Amended(27) by Proposal 6022 (Murphy), Dec 22, 2008
Amended(28) by Proposal 6785 [disinterested] (Alexis), Aug 22, 2010
Amended(29) by Proposal 6963 (Murphy), Mar 20, 2011
Amended(30) by Proposal 7073 (woggle), Jun 16, 2011
Amended(31) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(32) by Proposal 7632 (Alexis), May 01, 2014
Amended(33) by Proposal 7810 (nichdel), Sep 11, 2016
Amended(34) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017

CFJ 1451-1452 (called Mar 06, 2003):
  A message that is split into multiple email messages can qualify as a
  single message for game purposes, if it is obvious how to combine the
  parts to reconstruct the single message.
CFJ 752 (called Mar 13, 1995):
  Something sent to a Player who is obligated to send it to all Players
  is sufficient for sending something to the PF.
CFJ 813 (called Oct 22, 1995):
  A Player need not prove that e can receive the PF.
CFJ 831 (called Nov 10, 1995):
  'The Date: header of a message is not necessarily the time at which
  the message takes effect.'
CFJ 2205 (called Oct 02, 2008):
  A message takes effect at exactly one of the times date-stamped on it;
  selecting which one is a matter of game custom.
CFJ 2212 (called Oct 07, 2008):
  An IRC channel is a forum.
CFJ 2211 (called Oct 07, 2008):
  It is generally possible for an IRC channel to be a public forum.
CFJ 2214 (called Oct 07, 2008):
  Some IRC messages, such as NICK, are sent to all members of an IRC
  channel but are not sent via that channel.
CFJ 866 (called Apr 08, 1996):
  A message is "received" when the message enters the recipient's normal
  technical domain of control, whether this be eir private machine or
  eir private account on a shared machine (but not the shared machine
  itself, if the recipient does not control it).
CFJ 1112:
  In order to submit a Proposal, in the sense of R1865 and elsewhere, it
  is not sufficient that a collection of text 'with the clear indication
  that that text is intended to become a Proposal' (R1483) merely be
  sent to the Public Forum by a Proposing Entity; the collection of text
  must also be received in the Public Forum.
CFJ 1214-1215 (called May 14, 2000):
  Conditional actions (of the form "If X, I do Y") are effective only
  where the relevant agents (such as recordkeepors) are able to
  conclusively determine the value of the conditional from
  publicly-available information.
CFJ 1314 (called Aug 15, 2001):
  If a message sent to a public forum is rejected by the list moderator,
  it still qualifies as having been sent via a public forum.
CFJ 1905 (called Feb 07, 2008):
  Regardless of CFJ 1314, a message has not been sent via a forum until
  most persons who have arranged to receive messages via the forum
  receive it.
CFJ 1888 (called Jan 31, 2008):
  Sending a message to a Discussion Forum, or other mailing list except
  for a Public Forum, does not qualify as sending it to all players.
CFJ 1631 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Public announcements must be made in the message body; the subject
  line is insignificant.
CFJ 1784 (called Nov 05, 2007):
  An undescriptive or misleading subject line does not deprive the
  message body of effect.
CFJ 1880 (called Jan 22, 2008):
  A phrase that would, in the message body, cancel the effect of the
  rest of the message, does not have such an effect if it appears in the
  subject line.
CFJ 1761 (called Sep 30, 2007):
  Publishing part of a message is a different action from publishing the
  whole message.
CFJ 1646 (called Apr 30, 2007):
  The act of "publishing" or "announcing" is accomplished when the
  message has left the sender's technical domain of control, indicated
  by one of the "Received:" headers0.
CFJ 1695 (called Jun 23, 2007):
  A partnership, which by its nature can't directly send email, can
  participate in the fora by means of its members sending messages on
  its behalf, if its governing agreement says so.
CFJ 1768 (called Oct 22, 2007):
  The right of participation in the fora is the right to participate in
  them for their intended purposes, and is not necessarily infringed by
  regulations regarding the manner and type of participation.
CFJ 1738 (called Aug 29, 2007):
  An obligation on a player to not publish statements that e believes
  are true would conflict with the right of participation in the fora.
CFJ 1719 (called Aug 12, 2007):
  A player can, if e intends, have public messages sent on eir behalf,
  including via a web form that allows all-comers to send messages on
  eir behalf without specific approval.
CFJ 1833-1834 (called Dec 18, 2007):
  A player can, by contractual arrangement, grant another player the
  capacity to act by announcement on eir behalf.
CFJ 1893 (called Feb 03, 2008):
  A non-consensual non-contractual arrangement cannot grant a player the
  capacity to act by announcement on behalf of another.
CFJ 2397 (called Mar 03, 2009):
  A player can grant or revoke permission at will for another player to
  act by announcement on eir behalf.
CFJ 2322 (called Dec 24, 2008):
  The ability to act on behalf can be created by any willful agreement.
CFJ 1336 (called Dec 13, 2001):
  A public statement that one wishes to perform an action that one can
  perform by announcement can constitute an announcement that performs
  that action.
CFJ 1621 (called Feb 08, 2007):
  Where an action can be performed by announcement, announcing that one
  deems something to be the case that would result from that action does
  not constitute performing the action.
CFJ 1584 (called Feb 24, 2006), CFJ 1728 (called Aug 20, 2007):
  ' Saying "I do X 1000 times", where X is something that can be done by
  announcement, is an acceptable shorthand for 1000 instances of "I do
  X", but this shorthand cannot be used with an infinite repeat count,
  because it is impossible to write out an infinite number of instances
  of "I do X".'
CFJ 1774 (called Nov 01, 2007):
  Saying "I do X 10000 times", where X is something that can be done by
  announcement, does not necessarily achieve 10000 instances of X, if
  writing out 10000 instances of "I do X" would be a substantial effort
  such that using the shorthand is abusive. The presumption is in favour
  of the shorthand being successful.
CFJ 1775 (called Nov 01, 2007):
  If an announcement of the form "I do X N times" is not be acceptable
  shorthand for N instances of "I do X", then the announcement is
  completely nullified, and does not have the effect of M instances of
  "I do X" for any non-zero repeat count M.
CFJ 1730 (called Aug 22, 2007):
  An appropriate announcement will accomplish an action even if its
  author believed the action was impossible.
CFJ 1841 (called Dec 20, 2007):
  A message-based action cannot be retroactive.
CFJ 1971 (called May 22, 2008):
  An announcement with a general disclaimer as to its contents cannot
  fulfill a requirement to report information, but it may successfully
  cause game actions to be taken if the actions do not depend on the
  truth value of the disclaimed contents.
CFJ 2133 (called Aug 09, 2008):
  A disclaimed statement cannot cause an action to be taken by
CFJ 2112 (called Jul 23, 2008):
  An action is only taken by announcement if the Rules define it as
  such; e.g., posting an objection to a dependent action is not an
  action taken by announcement.
CFJ 2151 (called Sep 05, 2008):
  Some unregulated actions, such as celebrating and revealing things,
  can be taken by announcement.
CFJ 2086 (called Jul 15, 2008):
  Message-based actions are always taken in some order, never precisely
  simultaneously, possibly unless otherwise stated.
CFJ 2179 (called Sep 23, 2008):
  An message-based action can be taken even if its sender cannot be
CFJ 2221 (called Oct 13, 2008):
  When an action is specified as "can do X in order to do Y", and a
  player does X without specifying intent to do Y, e does not do Y.
CFJ 2238 (called Oct 22, 2008):
  The requirement of unambiguous specification applies to the parameters
  of an action.
CFJ 2363 (called Feb 01, 2009):
  "X can do Y by doing Z" does not imply that X can do Z.
CFJ 2441 (called Apr 06, 2009):
  Due to a limitation of the mailing list archives, attaching a message
  with a particular text does not count as publishing that text.
CFJ 3025 (called May 15, 2011):
  If it is clear what he did, then it must be clear what he did; if it
  is not clear what he did, then it is not clear what he did.
CFJ 3106 (called Oct 19, 2011):
  When a person announces that "e performs" an action, the referent of
  "e" (i.e. eir identity) must be clear.
CFJ 3002 (called Apr 19, 2011):
  A message of the form "This statement causes {action}" is ineffective
  as a way to perform {action}, and may be an attempt to act on behalf
  of the statement.
CFJ 2899 (called Nov 12, 2010):
  A player's real name does not necessary identify em.
CFJ 3409 (called Apr 09, 2014):
  An action can be performed in the subject line of a message, if it
  sufficiently clear (as outlined in the judgment).
CFJ 3603-3604 (called Nov 16, 2017):
  ASCII art of text can be clear enough to suffice for communications,
  and in particular for taking actions by announcement.
CFJ 3630 (called Mar 02, 2018):
  An action referencing outside content requires that the attempt to act
  is clear, the nature of the attempted action is clear, and the outside
  context cannot be altered by em and will remain available long enough
  for others to interpret it.

Rule 2575/0 (Power=3.0)
The Distributor

      The Distributor is an imposed office whose holder is generally
      responsible for the management of the primary Agoran fora.
      The holder CANNOT be changed except Without Objection or by
      proposal.  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
      Distributor's master switch CANNOT be flipped to be other than
      emself, and e CANNOT deregister or be deregistered.

Enacted by Proposal 8051 (G.), Jun 15, 2018


Rule 2139/12 (Power=2.0)
The Registrar

      The Registrar is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
      track of players.

      The Registrar's weekly report includes:

      1. A list of all players, including information sufficient to
         identify and contact each player.

      2. The date on which each player most recently became a player.

      3. For each forum with non-Foreign publicity, sufficient
         instructions for players to receive messages there.

      The Registrar's monthly report includes:

      1. For each former player for which the information is reasonably
         available, the dates on which e registered and deregistered.

      In the first Eastman week of every month the Registrar SHALL
      attempt to deregister every player that has not sent a message to
      a public forum in the preceding month.

      The Registrar's duties and abilities also include:

      * Changing the publicity of a forum, as described in Rule 478.

      * Publishing Cantus Cygnei and Writs of FAGE as described in
        Rule 1789.

      The Registrar is also responsible for tracking any switches,
      defined in a rule, that would otherwise lack an officer to track
      them, unless the switch is defined as untracked.

Enacted by Proposal 4939 (Murphy), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(1) by Proposal 5172 (Murphy), Aug 29, 2007
Amended(2) by Proposal 6322 (Wooble), May 26, 2009
Amended(3) by Proposal 6567 (Walker), Nov 28, 2009
Amended(4) by Proposal 6567 (Walker), Nov 28, 2009
Power changed from power 1.0 to 2.0 by Proposal 6567 (Walker), Nov 28,
Amended(5) by Proposal 7141 (G.), Nov 19, 2011
Amended(6) by Proposal 7416 (omd), May 12, 2013
Amended(7) by Proposal 7586 (omd), Aug 24, 2013
Amended(8) by Proposal 7632 (Alexis), May 01, 2014
Amended(9) by Proposal 7810 (nichdel), Sep 11, 2016
Amended(10) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017
Amended(11) by Proposal 7924 "Contracts v8" (Aris; with Aris, o, G.,
  ais523, Gaelan, 天火狐, Cuddle Beam, V.J. Rada, Trigon, Alexis, P.S.S.),
  Oct 22, 2017
Amended(12) by Proposal 7998 "Eastman weeks" (Murphy; with ATMunn),
  Jan 31, 2018

CFJ 1703 (called Jul 13, 2007):
  A player cannot change eir nickname by announcement if the new
  nickname that e specifies is the current nickname of another player.
CFJ 1361 (called May 07, 2002):
  Purporting to assign a new nickname, previously unused to refer to any
  entity, to another player is successful, but does not displace the
  target's existing name or nickname.
CFJ 1489 (called Feb 11, 2004):
  Watchers are not a rule-defined element of the game.
CFJ 1420 (called Dec 17, 2002):
  The list of watchers, customarily published with the registrar's
  report, is part of the game state, even though it is not mentioned in
  the rules and no one is obliged to track or publish it.

Rule 1789/9 (Power=3.0)
Cantus Cygneus

      Whenever a Player feels that e has been treated so egregiously by
      the Agoran community that e can no longer abide to be a part of
      it, e may submit a document to the Registrar, clearly labeled a
      Cantus Cygneus, detailing eir grievances and expressing eir
      reproach for those who e feels have treated em so badly.

      In a timely fashion after receiving a Cantus Cygneus, the
      Registrar shall publish this document along with a Writ of
      Fugiendae Agorae Grandissima Exprobratione, commanding the Player
      to be deregistered. The Registrar shall note the method of
      deregistration for that Player in subsequent Registrar Reports.

      The Player is deregistered as of the posting of the Writ, and the
      notation in the Registrar's Report will ensure that, henceforth,
      all may know said Player deregistered in a Writ of FAGE.

Enacted by Proposal 3705 (Crito), Mar 09, 1998
Amended(1) by Proposal 4099 (Murphy), Jan 15, 2001
Amended(2) by Proposal 4147 (Wes), May 13, 2001
Amended(3) by Proposal 4825 (Maud), Jul 17, 2005
Power changed from power 1.0 to 2.0 by Proposal 5780 (omd; with
  ehird), Oct 22, 2008
Amended(4) by Proposal 5815 (Pavitra; with Murphy), Nov 01, 2008
Amended(5) by Proposal 5991 (Elysion), Dec 07, 2008
Amended(6) by Proposal 6099 (Pavitra), Feb 22, 2009
Amended(7) by Proposal 6338 (Murphy), May 29, 2009
Amended(8) by Proposal 7470 [disinterested] (woggle), Jun 17, 2013
Amended(9) by Proposal 7646 (omd), Jun 03, 2014
Power changed from power 2.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 7989 "Don't FAGE the
  FAGE" (Telnaior), Jan 13, 2018

CFJ 1594 (called Dec 16, 2006):
  Players can be deregistered due to this rule even if there is no
CFJ 2358 (called Jan 26, 2009):
  A document which is labeled as a Cantus Cygneus but does not actually
  detail grievances, etc. is not a Cantus Cygneus.

Rule 2532/1 (Power=2.0)

      Master is a secured player switch with possible values of any
      player, and Agora. Every player's default master is emself; rules
      to the contrary notwithstanding, a player CAN always flip eir own
      master to emself by announcement.

      A player whose master is not emself is a zombie (syn. inactive);
      all other players are active.  A zombie's master, if another
      player, is allowed to act on behalf of the zombie (i.e. as the
      zombie's agent), except a master CANNOT act on behalf of a zombie
        - initiate, support, object to, or perform a dependent action;
        - act on behalf of that zombie's zombies;
        - bid in a zombie auction;
        - enter a contract, pledge, or other type of agreement;
        - deregister.

      A zombie's master CAN flip that zombie's master switch to Agora by

      If a master causes a zombie to perform an ILLEGAL action, the
      master commits the Class 4+N Crime of Masterminding (where N is
      the class of the illegal action).

      If a active player who was a zombie has not received a Welcome
      Package since e most recently ceased being a zombie, and if eir
      resale value was less than 2 at any point during eir most recent
      time as a zombie, then any player CAN cause em to receive a
      Welcome Package by announcement.

Enacted by Proposal 7950 "Boooo!" (G.), Nov 12, 2017
Amended(1) by Proposal 8051 (G.), Jun 15, 2018


Rule 2574/0 (Power=3.0)
Zombie Life Cycle

      Any player CAN, with Notice, flip the master switch of an active
      player who has not made a public announcement in the past 60 days
      to Agora.

      Resale is a secured natural switch for zombies, tracked by the
      Registrar, with a default value of 2. Whenever a zombie's master
      switch is flipped to a player other than emself, eir resale value
      is decreased by 1.

      A zombie with a resale value of 0 CANNOT have eir master switch
      flipped to a player other than emself, rules to the contrary

      Any player CAN, with Notice:
        - If a zombie has been a zombie for the past 90 days and not had
          Agora for a master during any of that time, flip the zombie's
          master switch to Agora;
        - If a player is master to more than one zombie, flip the master
          switch of one of that master's zombies to Agora;
        - Deregister a zombie whose master is Agora and who has a Resale
         value of 0.

      The Registrar SHALL track the date that each zombie last belonged
      to Agora in eir weekly report.  The Registrar SHALL perform all
      POSSIBLE actions in the preceding paragraph in a timely fashion
      after first reporting their possibility via the facts in eir
      weekly report.

Enacted by Proposal 8051 (G.), Jun 15, 2018


Rule 1885/8 (Power=2.0)
Zombie Auctions

      Whenever a zombie (1) has Agora for a master, (2) is not a lot in
      an ongoing auction, (3) has a resale value greater than 0, and (4)
      has not been won as an auction lot in the past 14 days, then the
      Registrar CAN put that zombie (along with any other zombies that
      fulfill the same conditions) up for auction.

      In a timely fashion after the beginning of each month, the
      Registrar SHALL either initiate such an auction or, if no zombies
      meeting these conditions existed at the beginning of the month,
      announce that no such auction is necessary.

      For such an auction, the lots are the qualifying zombies, ordered
      at the discretion of the Registrar. The Registrar is the
      announcer, and the minimum bid is 1.  Rules to the contrary
      notwithstanding, the master of a zombie CANNOT bid in a zombie
      auction. If a player becomes a zombie's master, all eir bids in
      zombie auctions that have not ended are withdrawn. For the purpose
      of such a auction, to transfer a zombie to a player is to set that
      zombie's master switch to that player.

Enacted by Proposal 3853 (Blob), Apr 19, 1999
Amended(1) by Proposal 3901 (Schneidster), Sep 06, 1999
Amended(2) by Proposal 4018 (Kelly), Jun 21, 2000
Amended(3) by Proposal 4118 (G.), Jun 03, 2001
Repealed by Proposal 4211 (harvel), Sep 10, 2001
Reenacted(4) by Proposal 7951 "Zombie Auctions" (G.), Nov 12, 2017
Power changed from power 1.0 to 2.0 by Proposal 7952 "It LIVES" (G.),
  Nov 12, 2017
Amended(5) by Proposal 8023 "Zombie Lots" (G.; with Aris), Mar 06,
Amended(6) by Proposal 8028 "Zombie patch" (G.), Mar 23, 2018
Amended(7) by Proposal 8041 (Aris, Trigon, G.), Apr 28, 2018
Amended(8) by Proposal 8051 (G.), Jun 15, 2018


Rules & Regulations
Rule 2141/10 (Power=3.0)
Role and Attributes of Rules

      A rule is a type of instrument with the capacity to govern the
      game generally, and is always taking effect. A rule's content
      takes the form of a text, and is unlimited in scope.

      Every rule has power between 0.1 and 4.0 inclusive. It is not
      possible for a rule to have a power outside this range.

      Rules have ID numbers, to be assigned by the Rulekeepor.

      Every rule shall have a title to aid in identification. If a rule
      ever does not have a title, the the Rulekeepor CAN and SHALL
      assign a title to it by announcement in a timely fashion.

      For the purposes of rules governing modification of instruments,
      the text, power, ID number, and title of a rule are all
      substantive aspects of the rule. However, rules to the contrary
      notwithstanding, the Rulekeepor CAN set rule aspects as described
      elsewhere in this rule.

Enacted by Proposal 4940 (Zefram), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(1) by Proposal 5110 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(2) by Proposal 5994 (Murphy), Dec 07, 2008
Amended(3) by Proposal 6053 (Murphy; with woggle, ais523), Jan 23,
Amended(4) by Proposal 6124 (ehird), Mar 15, 2009
Amended(5) by Proposal 6670 (Alexis), Mar 14, 2010
Amended(6) by Proposal 6992 (Murphy; with omd), Apr 10, 2011
Amended(7) by Proposal 7420 (omd), Mar 27, 2013
Amended(8) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(9) by Proposal 7759 (G.), Jul 19, 2015
Amended(10) by Proposal 8017 "RTRW Cleanups" (Alexis), Mar 06, 2018

CFJ 1498 (called Apr 12, 2004):
  A rule's title is not strictly a name for the rule, and so rule titles
  are not subject to the uniqueness requirement on names of rule-defined
CFJ 2013 (called Jun 17, 2009):
  Rule 2141 does not imply that the power of rules is physically
  unlimited: they can only affect the world outside the game by
  prescribing or proscribing player behavior.
CFJ 2213 (called Oct 07, 2008):
  The powers granted to rules by the first paragraph of Rule 2141 are
  general, and only apply as otherwise stated by the Rules.

Rule 1688/9 (Power=3.0)

      The Power of an entity is a non-negative rational number. An
      Instrument is an entity with positive Power.

      The Power of an entity cannot be set or modified except as
      stipulated by the Rules. All entities have Power zero except where
      specifically allowed by the rules.

      A Rule that makes a change, action, or value secured (hereafter
      the securing Rule) thereby makes it IMPOSSIBLE to perform that
      change or action, or to set or modify that value, except as
      allowed by an Instrument with Power greater than or equal to the
      change's Power Threshold.  This Threshold defaults to the securing
      Rule's Power, but CAN be lowered as allowed by that Rule
      (including by the Rule itself).

Enacted by Proposal 3445 (General Chaos), Mar 26, 1997
Amended(1) by Proposal 3994 (harvel), Apr 20, 2000
Amended(2) by Proposal 4811 (Maud; with G.), Jun 20, 2005
Amended(3) by Proposal 4940 (Zefram), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(4) by Proposal 5276 (Murphy; with Pavitra, Zefram), Nov 07,
Assigned to the Committee on Rules by Proposal 6053 (Murphy; with
  woggle, ais523), Jan 23, 2009
Amended(5) by Proposal 6513 [disinterested] (Alexis), Oct 03, 2009
Amended(6) by Proposal 6815 (Murphy; with ais523), Sep 04, 2010
Amended(7) by Proposal 7759 (G.), Jul 19, 2015
Amended(8) by Proposal 7781 (the Warrigal), Aug 14, 2015
Amended(9) by Proposal 8017 "RTRW Cleanups" (Alexis), Mar 06, 2018


Rule 2140/2 (Power=3.0)
Power Controls Mutability

      No entity with power below the power of this rule can

      1. cause an entity to have power greater than its own.

      2. adjust the power of an instrument with power greater than its

      3. set or modify any other substantive aspect of an instrument
         with power greater than its own. A "substantive" aspect of an
         instrument is any aspect that affects the instrument's

Enacted by Proposal 4940 (Zefram), Apr 29, 2007
Assigned to the Committee on Rules by Proposal 6053 (Murphy; with
  woggle, ais523), Jan 23, 2009
Amended(1) by Proposal 6992 (Murphy; with omd), Apr 10, 2011
Amended(2) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017

CFJ 2981 (called Mar 21, 2011):
  An attribute of an instrument is not "modified" when an initial value
  is set for it.
CFJ 2945 (called Dec 22, 2010):
  An attribute of an entity is "changed" when it is removed/unset.

Rule 217/12 (Power=3.0)
Interpreting the Rules

      When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
      takes precedence. Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or
      unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common sense, past
      judgements, and consideration of the best interests of the game.

      Definitions and prescriptions in the rules are only to be applied
      using direct, forward reasoning; in particular, an absurdity that
      can be concluded from the assumption that a statement about
      rule-defined concepts is false does not constitute proof that it
      is true. Definitions in lower-powered Rules do not overrule
      common-sense interpretations or common definitions of terms in
      higher-powered rules, but may constructively make reasonable
      clarifications to those definitions. For this purpose, a
      clarification is reasonable if and only if it adds detail without
      changing the underlying general meaning of the term and without
      causing the higher powered rule to be read in a way inconsistent
      with its text.

      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any rule change that would
      (1) prevent a person from initiating a formal process to resolve
      matters of controversy, in the reasonable expectation that the
      controversy will thereby be resolved; or (2) prevent a person from
      causing formal reconsideration of any judicial determination that
      e should be punished, is wholly void and without effect.

Initial Mutable Rule 217 at Agora's birth, Jun 30, 1993
Amended(1) by Proposal 1635, Jul 25, 1995
Infected and Amended(2) by Rule 1454, Aug 07, 1995
Amended(3) by Proposal 2507, Mar 03, 1996
Amended(4) by Proposal 4825 (Maud), Jul 17, 2005
Power changed from power 1.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 4867 (G.), Aug 27,
Amended(5) by Proposal 4867 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Retitled by Proposal 5105 (Zefram), Aug 01, 2007
Amended(6) by Proposal 5105 (Zefram), Aug 01, 2007
Amended(7) by Proposal 7351 (G.; with ais523, the Warrigal), Mar 27,
Amended(8) by Proposal 7520 (omd), Jul 19, 2013
Amended(9) by Proposal 7584 (omd), Aug 24, 2013
Amended(10) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(11) by Proposal 7662 (omd), Jun 03, 2014
Amended(12) by Proposal 8002 "Power Creep Reduction Act" (Aris), Jan
  31, 2018

CFJ 1439 (called Feb 20, 2003):
  A difference in language qualifies as a difference in dialect; it is
  possible to take game actions by messages in languages other than
CFJ 1460 (called Apr 04, 2003):
  If a message is in a language other than English, and its intended
  audience does not understand the language, this constitutes gross
  unclarity that makes the message ineffective.
CFJ 712:
  Referring to a Player by a method other than eir name or nickname is
  acceptable, as long as it is unambiguous.
CFJ 1861 (called Jan 08, 2008):
  A player's legal name (legal in eir country of residence) is not
  necessarily an acceptable way to refer to em.
CFJ 1782 (called Nov 04, 2007):
  Referring to a player by the name of an office that e holds suffices
  to identify em uniquely as a person, if there is no doubt regarding
  who holds that office.
CFJ 1460 (called Apr 04, 2003):
  Extremely complex synonyms, requiring extensive effort to interpret
  correctly, can constitute a sufficient degree of unclarity as to
  render the message ineffective.
CFJ 1840 (called Dec 20, 2007):
  A proper noun that has not been explicitly defined does not adequately
  refer to any entity, and is not implicitly defined by the context in
  which it is used.
CFJ 1580 (called Jan 12, 2006):
  Base64 encoding of (part of) a message, other than in the context of
  MIME with appropriate headers, can render a message ineffective for
  unclarity, because the decoding step requires unreasonable effort
  within the meaning of CFJ 1460.
CFJ 1741 (called Sep 11, 2007):
  HTML encoding (including numerical character entity encoding) does not
  render a message ineffective for unclarity if a suitable MIME type is
  indicated by a header.
CFJ 1741 (called Sep 11, 2007):
  An email message does not need the RFC-required "MIME-Version:" header
  in order for it to be interpreted in the MIME way.
CFJ 1536 (called Mar 13, 2005):
  The phrase "AOL!" is not a sufficiently clear synonym for "Me too!".
CFJ 1770 (called Oct 23, 2007):
  A contract can redefine a rule-defined term in its own way, and the
  contract's definition will then apply in situations governed by the
CFJ 1885 (called Jan 26, 2008):
  A word or phrase can acquire a meaning by custom, provided that it is
  a reasonable meaning and does not unreasonably change the meaning of
  phrases that already have a meaning.
CFJ 1831 (called Dec 10, 2007):
  Mentioning a URI, without surrounding text stating its significance,
  does not incorporate anything identified by that URI into the message
  that mentions the URI.
CFJ 1831 (called Dec 10, 2007):
  Character sequences within a URI by default have no significance other
  than their functional role as part of the URI.
CFJ 2258 (called Nov 06, 2008):
  Changes in whitespace are also inconsequential.
CFJ 1139:
  Interpretations {judgements at the time of CFJ 1139} need not
  necessarily accord with the reasoning and arguments of Judges or
  Justices given in past CFJs.

Rule 1030/12 (Power=3.2)
Precedence between Rules

      In a conflict between Rules, the conflict shall be resolved by
      performing the following comparisons in the sequence written in
      this rule, until the conflict is resolved.

      - In a conflict between Rules with different Power, the Rule with
        the higher Power takes precedence over the Rule with the lower
        Power; otherwise,

      - If all of the Rules in conflict explicitly say that their
        precedence relations are determined by some other Rule for
        determining precedence relations, then the determinations of the
        precedence-determining Rule shall be used to resolve the
        conflicts; otherwise,

      - If at least one of the Rules in conflict explicitly says of
        itself that it defers to another Rule (or type of Rule) or takes
        precedence over another Rule (or type of Rule), then such
        provisions shall be used to resolve the conflict, unless they
        lead to contradictions between each other; otherwise,

      - If any of the rules in conflict have ID numbers, then the Rule
        with the lowest ID number takes precedence; otherwise,

      - The Rule enacted earliest takes precedence.

      Clauses in any other rule that broadly claim precedence (e.g. over
      "all rules" of a certain class) shall be, prima facie, considered
      to be limited claims of precedence or deference that are
      applicable only when such claims are evaluated as described within
      the above sequence.

      No change to the Ruleset can occur that would cause a Rule to
      directly claim precedence over this Rule as a means of determining
      precedence. This applies to changes by the enactment or amendment
      of a Rule, or of any other form. This Rule takes precedence over
      any Rule that would permit such a change to the Ruleset.

Initial Mutable Rule 212 at Agora's birth, Jun 30, 1993
Amended by Proposal 1030, Sep 15, 1994
Amended(1) by Rule 750, Sep 15, 1994
Amended(2) by Proposal 1527, Mar 24, 1995
Amended(3) by Proposal 1603, Jun 19, 1995
Amended(4) by Proposal 2520, Mar 10, 1996
Mutated from MI=1 to MI=3 by Proposal 2763 (Steve), Nov 30, 1996
Amended(5) by Proposal 3445 (General Chaos), Mar 26, 1997, cosmetic
Amended(6) by Proposal 4887 (Murphy), Jan 22, 2007
Amended(7) by Proposal 5110 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(8) by Proposal 6285 (G.), May 19, 2009
Amended(9) by Proposal 6292 (G.), May 19, 2009
Retitled by Proposal 6292 (G.), May 19, 2009
Power changed from power 3.0 to 3.2 by Proposal 6292 (G.), May 19,
Amended(10) by cleaning (Murphy), Aug 16, 2009
Amended(11) by Proposal 7235 (omd), Jun 10, 2012
Amended(12) by Proposal 7334 (woggle), Mar 27, 2013

CFJ 1104 (called Aug 20, 1998):
  The presence in a Rule of deference clause, claiming that the Rule
  defers to another Rule, does not prevent a conflict with the other
  Rule arising, but shows only how the Rule says that conflict is to be
  resolved when it does arise.
CFJ 1114-1115 (called Jan 27, 1999):
  This Rule is to be applied to resolve Rule conflicts on a case-by-case
  basis; just because a Rule is inapplicable in one situation due to
  conflict with a Rule of higher precedence does not mean that the Rule
  is nullified in all cases.

Rule 2240/1 (Power=3.0)
No Cretans Need Apply

      In a conflict between clauses of the same Rule, if exactly one
      claims precedence over the other, then it takes precedence;
      otherwise, the later clause takes precedence.

Enacted by Proposal 6073 (Murphy), Feb 22, 2009
Amended(1) by Proposal 6429 (Murphy), Aug 18, 2009


Rule 105/19 (Power=3.0)
Rule Changes

      Where permitted by other rules, an instrument generally can, as
      part of its effect,

      1. enact a rule. The new rule has power equal to the minimum of
         the power specified by the enacting instrument, defaulting to
         one if the enacting instrument does not specify or if it
         specifies a power less than 0.1, and the maximum power
         permitted by other rules. The enacting instrument may specify a
         title for the new rule, which if present shall prevail. The ID
         number of the new rule cannot be specified by the enacting
         instrument; any attempt to so specify is null and void.

      2. repeal a rule. When a rule is repealed, it ceases to be a rule,
         its power is set to 0, and the Rulekeepor need no longer
         maintain a record of it.

      3. reenact a rule. A repealed rule identified by its most recent
         rule number MUST be reenacted with the same ID number and the
         next change identifier. If no text is specified, the rule is
         reenacted with the same text it had when it was most recently
         repealed. If the reenacting proposal provides new text for the
         rule, the rule SHOULD have materially the same purpose as did
         the repealed version. Unless specified otherwise by the
         re-enacting instrument, a re-enacted rule has power equal to
         the power it had at the time of its repeal (or power 1, if
         power was not defined at the time of that rule's repeal). If
         the re-enacting instrument is incapable of setting the
         re-enacted rule's power to that value, then the re-enactment is
         null and void.

      4. amend the text of a rule.

      5. retitle a rule.

      6. change the power of a rule.

      A rule change is any effect that falls into the above classes.
      Rule changes always occur sequentially, never simultaneously.

      Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change causes that
      change to be void and without effect. An inconsequential variation
      in the quotation of an existing rule does not constitute ambiguity
      for the purposes of this rule, but any other variation does.

      A rule change is wholly prevented from taking effect unless its
      full text was published, along with an unambiguous and clear
      specification of the method to be used for changing the rule, at
      least 4 days and no more than 60 days before it would otherwise
      take effect.

      This rule provides the only mechanism by which rules can be
      created, modified, or destroyed, or by which an entity can become
      a rule or cease to be a rule.

Enacted by Proposal 4894 (Murphy), Feb 12, 2007
Renumbered by Proposal 4894 (Murphy), Feb 12, 2007
Power changed from power 1.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 4894 (Murphy), Feb 12,
Retitled by Proposal 4894 (Murphy), Feb 12, 2007
Amended(1) by Proposal 4894 (Murphy), Feb 12, 2007
Amended(2) by Proposal 4940 (Zefram), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(3) by Proposal 5110 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Assigned to the Committee on Rules by Proposal 6053 (Murphy; with
  woggle, ais523), Jan 23, 2009
Amended(4) by Proposal 6734 (omd), Jun 06, 2010
Amended(5) by Proposal 6741 [disinterested] (omd), Jul 01, 2010
Amended(6) by Proposal 7433 (Walker), May 27, 2013
Amended(7) by Proposal 7607 (OscarMeyr), Dec 13, 2013
Amended(8) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(9) by SLR ratification (by Proposal 7638 (omd)), May 01, 2014
Amended(10) by Proposal 7647 (omd), Jun 03, 2014
Amended(11) by Proposal 7710 (G.), Nov 03, 2014
Amended(12) by Proposal 7759 (G.), Jul 19, 2015
Amended(13) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017
Amended(14) by Proposal 7888 "BILLY MAYS HERE" (o; with V.J. Rada),
  Sep 26, 2017
Amended(15) by Proposal 7940 "High Power Cleanup" (Alexis; with G.,
  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus), Nov 06, 2017
Amended(16) by Proposal 7940 "High Power Cleanup" (Alexis; with G.,
  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus), Nov 06, 2017
Amended(17) by Proposal 7969 "Obvious fix" (V.J. Rada; with Alexis),
  Nov 21, 2017
Amended(18) by Proposal 7986 "Quick Fix" (Publius Scribonius
  Scholasticus), Dec 03, 2017
Amended(19) by Proposal 8030 "PAoaM Patch v4" (Aris; with Gaelan,
  Trigon, G.), Mar 30, 2018

CFJ 1499 (called Apr 20, 2004), CFJ 1623 (called Apr 01, 2007):
  If a low-power rule states that an officer can repeal the rule under
  certain circumstances, then the rule cannot actually be repealed by
  this process, because the officer, not being an instrument, is
  categorically incapable of performing rule changes; this is different
  from the situation where a rule can be triggered to repeal itself.
CFJ 708 (called sometime between Oct 01, 1994 and Oct 31, 1994):
  An Amendment of a non-existing Rule is not a legal Rule Change.
CFJ 1625 (called Apr 01, 2007):
  Where a proposal specifies a rule to amend by both number and title,
  and the number and title given identify different rules, this
  constitutes ambiguity that nullifies the attempted rule change.
CFJ 1644 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal contains the form of words "Change the power of rule
  NNNN to P and amend it by XXX.", where XXX specifies a text change,
  this constitutes two attempted rule changes.
CFJ 1638 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal contains the form of words "Amend rule NNNN by XXX.
  Amend rule NNNN by YYY.", this constitutes two separate attempts at
  rule changes, even though both attempt to amend the same rule.
CFJ 1642 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal contains the form of words "Amend rule NNNN by XXX.
  Further amend rule NNNN by YYY.", where both XXX and YYY specify text
  changes, this constitutes two separate attempts at rule changes.
CFJ 1640 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal contains the form of words "Amend rule NNNN by XXX
  and YYY.", where both XXX and YYY specify text changes, this
  constitutes a single attempt at a rule change, even though it is
  specified in two parts.
CFJ 1641 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal contains the form of words "Amend rule NNNN by XXX
  and by YYY.", where both XXX and YYY specify text changes, this
  constitutes a single attempt at a rule change, even though it is
  specified in two parts.
CFJ 1643 (called Apr 29, 2007):
  Where a proposal specifies a single rule amendment in two parts, and
  one of the parts is not possible but the other is possible, the
  possible part is applied alone.
CFJ 2201 (called Sep 30, 2008):
  The permission required by Rule 105 need not be explicit.

Rule 2493/2 (Power=3.1)

      A Regulation is an textual entity defined as such by this rule. A
      regulation allows an officer (known as the Promulgator) to
      exercise rule defined powers. A regulation is in effect
      continuously from the time of its creation to the time of either
      its revocation or the repeal of the rule that allowed for its
      creation. When recommending a regulation, its Promulgator must
      specify by number the rule(s) upon which it is based (the parent
      rules), the list of which becomes an integral part of the
      regulation. The list of rules can generally be modified by the
      Promulgator according to the procedure for text changes.

      A regulation must be authorized by at least one rule in order for
      it to exist. A regulation has effect on the game (only) insofar as
      the rule or rules that authorized it permit it to have effect. If
      reasonably possible, a regulation should be interpreted so as to
      defer to other rules. The procedure for resolving conflict between
      regulations is the same as it is for rules (for the purposes of
      resolving conflicts only, a regulation is treated as if it had the
      power of its least powerful parent rule).

      Regulations are generally issued according to the following
      procedures, and they can be repealed by the announcement of their
      Promulgator. Alternate procedures may be used if provided for by
      all of the regulations's parent rules. If one parent rule
      specifies procedures that are more stringent than those that the
      other(s) specifies, those apply. Creating, modifying, revoking, or
      allowing for a regulation is secured at power 1.

      A regulation (or set of regulations), authorized by another rule,
      CAN generally be enacted or modified by its promulgator without 2
      objections, or with Agoran consent. A notice pursuant to the
      previous sentence is known as a "recommendation", and the
      regulation(s) are said to be "recommended" to Agora.

Enacted by Proposal 7865 (Aris; with o, nichdel, ais523), Jun 27, 2017
Amended(1) by Proposal 7888 "BILLY MAYS HERE" (o; with V.J. Rada), Sep
  26, 2017
Amended(2) by Proposal 7925 "Safety Regulations v2" (Aris; with
  Alexis), Oct 22, 2017


Rule 2494/0 (Power=1.0)
The Regkeepor

      The Regkeepor is an office, responsible for the maintenance of the
      Regulations. The Regulations are contained in the Regkeepor's
      weekly report, know as the Agora Nomic Code of Regulations
      (ACORN). E MAY publish multiple versions or editions of the ACORN.

      The ACORN is divided into titles, assigned by the Regkeepor, which
      are each given an integer. Generally, each office with the power
      to create regulations SHOULD be assigned the next successive
      natural number. Title 0 of the ACORN is reserved for use by the
      Regkeepor, and nothing in that title need be a regulation.
      Non-regulations printed in the ACORN have no binding effect, and
      SHALL clearly be marked by the Regkeepor.

      Each regulation SHALL be assigned an ID number by the Regkeepor,
      consisting of a string of the characters [0-9] and separator
      characters. The Regkeepor SHOULD establish some way of keeping
      track of the version of a regulations. The Regkeepor MAY also, at
      eir discretion, create ways of marking special types of Regulation
      (even in violation of the previous restrictions of this
      paragraph), mark sections or titles as reserved for future use,
      and make such other discussions of arrangement, annotation, and
      marking as are necessary and proper in the execution of eir

      The Regkeepor SHOULD remember that the purpose of the ACORN is to
      make the regulations easily readable, and e SHALL not act in a
      manner intended to deceive others in eir official capacity.

Enacted by Proposal 7865 (Aris; with o, nichdel, ais523), Jun 27, 2017


Rule 1051/17 (Power=1.0)
The Rulekeepor

      The Rulekeepor is an office; its holder is responsible for
      maintaining the text of the rules of Agora.

      The Rulekeepor's Weekly report includes the Short Logical Ruleset.
      The Rulekeepor's Monthly report includes the Full Logical Ruleset.

... history unknown ...
Amended(1) by Proposal 1735, Oct 15, 1995
Amended(2) by Proposal 2042, Dec 11, 1995
Amended(3) by Proposal 2048, Dec 19, 1995
Amended(4) by Proposal 2662, Sep 12, 1996
Amended(5) by Proposal 2696, Oct 10, 1996
Amended(6) by Proposal 2741 (Zefram), Nov 07, 1996, substantial
Infected and Amended(7) by Rule 1454, Nov 27, 1996, substantial
Amended(8) by Proposal 2783 (Chuck), Jan 15, 1997, substantial
Amended(9) by Proposal 3452 (Steve), Apr 07, 1997, substantial
Amended(10) by Proposal 3675 (Michael), Jan 30, 1998
Amended(11) by Proposal 3827 (Kolja A.), Feb 04, 1999
Amended(12) by Proposal 3871 (Peekee), Jun 02, 1999
Amended(13) by Proposal 3882 (harvel), Jul 21, 1999
Amended(14) by Proposal 3902 (Murphy), Sep 06, 1999
Amended(15) by Proposal 4002 (harvel), May 08, 2000
Amended(16) by Proposal 4250 (harvel), Feb 19, 2002
Amended(17) by Proposal 5237 [disinterested] (AFO), Oct 03, 2007


Rule 1681/21 (Power=1.0)
The Logical Rulesets

      The Short Logical Ruleset (SLR) is a format of the ruleset. In
      this format, each rule is assigned to a category, and the rules
      are grouped according to their category.

      Rules are assigned to, ordered within, or moved between
      categories, and categories are added, changed, or empty categories
      removed, as the Rulekeepor sees fit.

      The listing of each rule in the SLR must include the rule's ID
      number, revision number, power, title, and text.

      The Rulekeepor is strongly DISCOURAGED from including any
      additional information in the SLR, except that which increases the
      readability of the SLR.

      The Full Logical Ruleset (FLR) is a format of the ruleset. In this
      format, rules are assigned to the same category and presented in
      the same order as in the SLR. The FLR must contain all the
      information required to be in the SLR, and any historical
      annotations which the Rulekeepor is required to record.

      The Rulekeepor SHOULD also include any other information which e
      feels may be helpful in the use of the ruleset in the FLR.

      Whenever a rule is changed in any way, the Rulekeepor SHALL record
      a historical annotation to the rule indicating:

      1. The type of change.

      2. The date on which the change took effect.

      3. The mechanism that specified the change.

      4. If the rule was changed due to a proposal, then that proposal's
         ID number, author, and co-author(s) (if any).

Enacted by Proposal 2783 (Chuck), Jan 15, 1997
Amended(1) by Proposal 3500 (Crito), Jun 03, 1997, substantial
Amended(2) by Proposal 3624 (Chuck), Dec 29, 1997
Amended(3) by Proposal 3704 (General Chaos), Mar 19, 1998
Amended(4) by Proposal 3902 (Murphy), Sep 06, 1999
Amended(5) by Proposal 4002 (harvel), May 08, 2000
Amended(6) by Proposal 4811 (Maud; with G.), Jun 20, 2005
Amended(7) by Proposal 4841 (g.), Oct 27, 2005
Amended(8) by Proposal 4868 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(9) by Proposal 4887 (Murphy), Jan 22, 2007
Amended(10) by Proposal 5006 (Zefram), Jun 18, 2007
Amended(11) by Proposal 5110 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(12) by Proposal 5334 (Murphy), Dec 05, 2007
Amended(13) by Proposal 5956 (omd), Nov 17, 2008
Amended(14) by Proposal 6019 (Murphy), Dec 22, 2008
Amended(15) by Proposal 6026 (Murphy), Dec 22, 2008
Amended(16) by Proposal 6053 (Murphy; with woggle, ais523), Jan 23,
Amended(17) by Proposal 6124 (ehird), Mar 15, 2009
Amended(18) by Proposal 6662 [disinterested] (Murphy), Mar 10, 2010
Amended(19) by Proposal 7599 (Walker), Sep 14, 2013
Amended(20) by Proposal 7604 (G.), Dec 13, 2013
Amended(21) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017


Rule 2221/7 (Power=3.0)

      Any player CAN clean a rule without objection by specifying one or
      more corrections to spelling, grammar, capitalization, formatting,
      and/or dialect, or to whether a synonym or abbreviation is used in
      place of a word or phrase, in the rule's text and/or title; the
      rule is amended by this rule as specified by that person.

Enacted by Proposal 5975 (Murphy), Nov 25, 2008
Amended(1) by Proposal 6098 (omd), Jan 22, 2009
Amended(2) by Proposal 6291 (Murphy), May 19, 2009
Amended(3) by Proposal 6722 (Murphy), May 21, 2010
Amended(4) by Proposal 6732 (omd), Jun 06, 2010
Amended(5) by Proposal 6741 [disinterested] (omd), Jul 01, 2010
Repealed by Proposal 6961 (G.), Feb 03, 2011
Reenacted(6) by Proposal 8000 "Older Cleanliness" (Alexis), Jan 31,
Amended(7) by Proposal 8017 "RTRW Cleanups" (Alexis), Mar 06, 2018


Rule 2429/1 (Power=1.0)

      Replacing a non-zero amount of whitespace with a different
      non-zero amount of whitespace is generally insignificant, except
      for paragraph breaks.

Enacted by Proposal 7665 (Alexis), Jun 03, 2014
Amended(1) by Proposal 7709 (Murphy), Nov 03, 2014


General Definitions
Rule 2152/7 (Power=3.0)
Mother, May I?

      The following terms are defined. These definitions are used when a
      rule includes a term in all caps, and provide guidance in
      determining the ordinary-language meaning of a term when a rule
      includes a term otherwise. Earlier definitions take precedence
      over later ones. If a rule specifies one or more persons in
      connection with a term, then the term applies only to the
      specified person(s).

      1. CANNOT, IMPOSSIBLE, INEFFECTIVE, INVALID: Attempts to perform
         the described action are unsuccessful.

         the described action violates the rule in question.

      3. NEED NOT, OPTIONAL: Failing to perform the described action
         does not violate the rules.

      4. SHOULD NOT, DISCOURAGED, DEPRECATED: Before performing the
         described action, the full implications of performing it should
         be understood and carefully weighed.

      5. CAN: Attempts to perform the described action are successful.

      6. MAY: Performing the described action does not violate the

      7. MUST, SHALL, REQUIRED, MANDATORY: Failing to perform the
         described action violates the rule in question.

      8. SHOULD, ENCOURAGED, RECOMMENDED: Before failing to perform the
         described action, the full implications of failing to perform
         it should (in the ordinary-language sense) be understood and
         carefully weighed.

Enacted by Proposal 5053 (Murphy), Jul 05, 2007
Power changed from power 1.0 to 2.0 by Proposal 5054 (Murphy), Jul 05,
Amended(1) by Proposal 5189 (Levi), Sep 03, 2007
Power changed from power 2.0 to 3.0 by Proposal 5247 (AFO), Oct 14,
Amended(2) by Proposal 5353 [disinterested] (Murphy), Dec 16, 2007
Amended(3) by Proposal 5354 (Murphy), Dec 16, 2007
Amended(4) by Proposal 5535 (Murphy), Jun 07, 2008
Amended(5) by Proposal 6571 (ais523), Nov 28, 2009
Amended(6) by Proposal 6983 (Murphy), Apr 10, 2011
Amended(7) by Proposal 7613 (Arufonsu), Jan 11, 2014

CFJ 1132:
  A Player failing to perform a duty required by the Rules within a
  reasonable time may be in violation of the Rules, even if the Rules do
  not provide a time limit for the performance of that duty.
CFJ 1488 (called Feb 11, 2004):
  Engineering a situation in which other players are unable to follow a
  particular rule is not in itself a violation of that rule.
CFJ 2395 (called Mar 01, 2009):
  Even without this being explicitly specified in the rules, it is
  possible for a non-player to violate a rule by missing a deadline.
CFJ 1990 (called Jun 07, 2008):
  "Allowed" may refer to either possibility or permissibility depending
  on context.
CFJ 2120-2121 (called Aug 04, 2008):
  A requirement of the form 'within <time limit>, a player SHALL
  <action> by announcement' means that the player CAN perform the
  action, and SHALL do so within the time limit.
CFJ 2230 (called Oct 16, 2008):
  In a statement of the form "an action that X may take", 'may'
  generally means 'might', i.e. CAN.
CFJ 2282 (called Nov 19, 2008):
  To state that an entity "MUST" have certain properties refers to
  possibility, not legality.
CFJ 2414 (called Mar 14, 2009):
  A rule of the form "X SHOULD be interpreted as Y" does not allow
  players to bypass the interpretation by failing to perform the
  described action.

Rule 2162/10 (Power=2.0)

      A type of switch is a property that the rules define as a switch,
      and specify the following:

      1. The type(s) of entity possessing an instance of that switch. No
         other entity possesses an instance of that switch.

      2. One or more possible values for instances of that switch,
         exactly one of which is designated as the default. No other
         values are possible for instances of that switch.

      3. Optionally, exactly one office whose holder tracks instances of
         that switch. That officer's (weekly, if not specified
         otherwise) report includes the value of each instance of that
         switch whose value is not its default value; a public document
         purporting to be this portion of that officer's report is
         self-ratifying, and implies that other instances are at their
         default value.

      At any given time, each instance of a switch has exactly one
      possible value for that type of switch. If an instance of a switch
      comes to have a value, it ceases to have any other value. If an
      instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a possible
      value, it comes to have its default value.

      "To flip an instance of a switch" is to make it come to have a
      given value. "To become X" (where X is a possible value of
      exactly one of the subject's switches) is to flip that switch to

      If an action or set of actions would cause the value of an
      instance of a switch to become indeterminate, the instance instead
      takes on its last determinate and possible value, if any,
      otherwise it takes on its default value.

      A singleton switch is a switch for which Agora Nomic is the only
      entity possessing an instance of that switch.

      A boolean switch is a switch with values True and False. A
      positive boolean switch has a default of True; a negative boolean
      switch has a default of False.

      Attempting to flip an instance of a switch to a value it already
      has does not flip the switch. However, if a person is REQUIRED to
      flip a switch instance to a value it already has, then either
      attempting to do so using the required mechanism, or announcing
      that the switch already has the required value, fulfills the
      requirement without flipping the switch.

Enacted by Proposal 5111 (Murphy), Aug 02, 2007
Amended(1) by Proposal 5271 (Murphy), Nov 07, 2007
Amended(2) by Proposal 7247 (omd), Jun 10, 2012
Amended(3) by Proposal 7289 (G.), Sep 09, 2012
Amended(4) by Proposal 7425 (Walker; with G., Murphy, omd), May 27,
Amended(5) by Proposal 7649 (omd), Jun 03, 2014
Amended(6) by Proposal 7735 (aranea), May 02, 2015
Amended(7) by Proposal 7828 "no we can't" (G.), Nov 07, 2016
Amended(8) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017
Amended(9) by Proposal 7902 "Switch no-ops" (G.), Oct 03, 2017
Amended(10) by Proposal 7903 "Numerical Switches v2" (G.), Oct 03,


Rule 2509/2 (Power=2.0)
Agoran Numbers

      A "number" is considered to refer to a real number, unless
      otherwise explicitly specified.  A "number of (items)", where
      (items) is a set of discrete entities, is considered to refer to a
      non-negative integer, unless otherwise explicitly specified.

      If a switch is defined as being associated with a specified set of
      numbers (a numerical switch), then the possible values for that
      switch are the numbers in that set. In particular, a natural or
      integer switch is a switch with possible values the non-negative
      integers or all integers, respectively. If a limit is further
      defined, the possible values are the numbers of the set within the
      specified limits.

      If 0 is in the specified values for a numerical switch and no
      default value is otherwise specified, 0 is the default value for
      that switch.

      If the rules describe mathematical operations to be used in
      flipping an instance of a numerical switch, the operations are
      interpreted as having common-sense mathematical application to
      determine that instance's resulting value. For example,
      "increasing a switch instance by M" is equivalent to "flipping a
      switch instance from its current value N to the value N+M". If the
      specified mathematical operation would result in a value outside
      that switch's defined set, the flipping CANNOT be performed, rules
      to the contrary notwithstanding.

Enacted by Proposal 7903 "Numerical Switches v2" (G.), Oct 03, 2017
Amended(1) by Proposal 8017 "RTRW Cleanups" (Alexis), Mar 06, 2018
Amended(2) by Proposal 8021 "There once was a Rule" (Limit Numerical
  silliness), Mar 06, 2018
Retitled by Proposal 8021 "There once was a Rule" (Limit Numerical
  silliness), Mar 06, 2018


Rule 2125/10 (Power=3.0)
Regulated Actions

      An action is restricted if: (1) the Rules limit, allow, enable, or
      permit its performance; (2) describe the circumstances under which
      the action would succeed or fail; or (3) the action would, as part
      of its effect, modify information for which some player is
      required to be a recordkeepor.

      A Restricted Action CAN only be performed as described by the
      Rules, and only using the methods explicitly specified in the
      Rules for performing the given action. The Rules SHALL NOT be
      interpreted so as to proscribe unrestricted actions.

Enacted by Proposal 4866 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(1) by Proposal 5235 (Goddess Eris), Oct 03, 2007
Amended(2) by Proposal 5536 (Murphy), Jun 07, 2008
Amended(3) by Proposal 5739 (root), Oct 09, 2008
Amended(4) by Proposal 6022 (Murphy), Dec 22, 2008
Amended(5) by Proposal 6251 (Murphy), May 09, 2009
Amended(6) by Proposal 6269 (Pavitra), May 11, 2009
Amended(7) by Proposal 6327 (Murphy), May 29, 2009
Amended(8) by Proposal 7614 (G.), Jan 13, 2014
Amended(9) by Proposal 7865 (Aris; with o, nichdel, ais523), Jun 27,
Amended(10) by Proposal 7828 "no we can't" (G.), Oct 22, 2017


Rule 1023/39 (Power=2.0)
Agoran Time

      The following terms are defined:

      1. The phrase "in a timely fashion" means "within 7 days". This
         time period is set when the requirement is created (i.e. X days
         before the limit ends). A requirement to perform an action at
         an exact instant (e.g. "when X, Y SHALL Z"), but not "in the
         same message", is instead interpreted as a requirement to
         perform that action in a timely fashion after that instant.

      2. Agoran epochs:

           1. Agoran days begin at midnight UTC.

           2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday. Eastman
              weeks begin at midnight UTC on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd,
              and 29th of each Gregorian month; the fifth one of the
              month (if any) lasts till the end of the month.

           3. Agoran months begin at midnight UTC on the first day of
              each Gregorian month.

           4. Agoran quarters begin when the Agoran months of January,
              April, July, and October begin.

           5. Agoran years begin when the Agoran month of January

           6. A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began
              (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which
              at least one person won the game. When used as a period of
              time, a "Round" (historical syn: "game") is the period of
              time between a pivot and the next pivot.

         The "Agoran" qualifier is assumed unless a different definition
         is indicated (e.g. Eastman weeks). These definitions do not
         apply to relative durations (e.g. "within <number> days after

      3. Two points in time are within a month of each other if:

          1. they occur in the same Agoran month;

          2. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months, and the later
             of the two occurs in an earlier day in the month than the
             earlier one;

          3. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months on the same day
             of the month, and the later of the two occurs at the same
             or earlier time of day.

Enacted by Proposal 805, sometime between Jan 01, 1994 and Feb 28,
Amended by Proposal 907, sometime between Apr 01, 1994 and May 31,
Amended by Rule 750, sometime between Apr 01, 1994 and May 31, 1994
Amended by Proposal 1023, Sep 05, 1994
Amended(1) by Rule 750, Sep 05, 1994
Amended(2) by Proposal 1413, Feb 01, 1995
Amended(3) by Proposal 1434, Feb 14, 1995
Amended(4) by Proposal 1682, Aug 22, 1995
Amended(5) by Proposal 1727, Oct 06, 1995
Amended(6) by Proposal 2042, Dec 11, 1995
Amended(7) by Proposal 2489, Feb 16, 1996
Amended(8) by Proposal 2567, Apr 12, 1996
Mutated from MI=1 to MI=2 by Proposal 2602, May 26, 1996
Amended(9) by Proposal 2629, Jul 04, 1996
Amended(10) by Proposal 2770 (Steve), Dec 19, 1996
Amended(11) by Proposal 3823 (Ørjan), Jan 21, 1999
Amended(12) by Proposal 3823 (Ørjan), Jan 21, 1999
Amended(13) by Proposal 3897 (harvel), Aug 27, 1999
Amended(14) by Proposal 3950 (harvel), Dec 08, 1999
Amended(15) by Proposal 4004 (Steve), May 08, 2000
Amended(16) by Proposal 4278 (harvel), Apr 03, 2002
Amended(17) by Proposal 4406 (Murphy), Oct 30, 2002
Amended(18) by Proposal 4866 (G.), Aug 27, 2006
Amended(19) by Proposal 4938 (Murphy), Apr 29, 2007
Amended(20) by Proposal 5005 (root), Jun 18, 2007
Amended(21) by Proposal 5077 (Murphy), Jul 18, 2007
Amended(22) by Proposal 5102 (Zefram), Aug 01, 2007
Amended(23) by Proposal 5081 [disinterested] (Zefram), Aug 01, 2007
Amended(24) by Proposal 5408 (root), Jan 22, 2008
Amended(25) by Proposal 6046 (omd), Jan 13, 2009
Amended(26) by Proposal 6321 [disinterested] (Murphy), May 26, 2009
Amended(27) by Proposal 6535 (Murphy), Nov 04, 2009
Amended(28) by Proposal 6660 [disinterested] (Murphy), Mar 10, 2010
Amended(29) by Proposal 7045 (Walker), May 16, 2011
Amended(30) by Proposal 7289 (G.), Sep 09, 2012
Amended(31) by Proposal 7420 (omd), May 27, 2013
Amended(32) by Proposal 7606 (G.), Dec 13, 2013
Amended(33) by Proposal 7641 (Alexis), May 12, 2014
Amended(34) by Proposal 7686 (omd), Aug 07, 2014
Amended(35) by Proposal 7760 (G.), Jul 19, 2015
Amended(36) by Rule 2430, May 24, 2017
Amended(37) by Proposal 7865 (Aris; with o, nichdel, ais523), Jun 27,
Amended(38) by Proposal 7924 "Contracts v8" (Aris; with Aris, o, G.,
  ais523, Gaelan, 天火狐, Cuddle Beam, V.J. Rada, Trigon, Alexis, P.S.S.),
  Oct 22, 2017
Retitled by Proposal 7924 "Contracts v8" (Aris; with Aris, o, G.,
  ais523, Gaelan, 天火狐, Cuddle Beam, V.J. Rada, Trigon, Alexis, P.S.S.),
  Oct 22, 2017
Amended(39) by Proposal 7998 "Eastman weeks" (Murphy; with ATMunn),
  Jan 31, 2018

CFJ 3624 (called Feb 09, 2018):
  A condition of "continuously X for one week" is a relative duration,
  thus unrelated to Agoran or Eastman weeks.

Rule 1728/38 (Power=3.0)
Dependent Actions

      A rule which purports to allow a person (the performer) to perform
      an action by a set of one or more of the following methods (N is 1
      unless otherwise specified):

      1. Without N Objections, where N is a positive integer no greater
         than 8. ("Without Objection" is shorthand for this method with
         N = 1.)

      2. With N Support, where N is a positive integer. ("With
         Support" is shorthand for this method with N = 1.)

      3. With N Agoran Consent, where N is an integer multiple of 0.1
         with a minimum of 1.

      4. With Notice.

      5. With T Notice, where T is a time period.

      thereby allows em to perform the action by announcement if all of
      the following are true:

      1. A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the
         action, unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and
         method(s) (including the value of N and/or T for each method),
         at most fourteen days earlier.

      2. If the action is to be pe

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