On 11/1/2018 4:05 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
I appreciate you've just spent a lot of time writing it _out_ of the proposal, 
but I actually preferred the system where spaceships were assets, like someone 
else (I think Gaelan?) mentioned on the previous draft. It makes extensibility 
much easier because we can say things like

     Spaceships can own Modules. A player CAN, by announcement, transfer
     a Module from a Spaceship in eir possession to emself.

instead of

     A player CAN, by announcement, Equip a Module in eir possession.
     Doing so adds the Module to eir Equipped Modules, which is a
     Spaceship player switch with values of any set of Modules in the
     player's possession (default the empty set). A player CAN also by
     announcement Deequip a Module in eir Equipped Modules, which
     removes that Module from eir Equipped Modules. Modules in a
     player's Equipped Modules are fixed.

It also opens up the possibility for people to have multiple spaceships, or to 
sell spaceships to each other.

That's fair. I'll see what some other people have to say about this.

Re: recordkeepors, my idea was going to be Astrogator, but honestly I like 
Astronomor better >
I might add something like "The Astronomor SHOULD, in eir weekly report, include 
simple instructions and/or resources for players to use for the generation of SHA-512 
hashes in Space Battles." When we were discussing the previous draft someone (I 
think Trigon?) mentioned that e didn't really understand what a SHA-512 hash was and 
would find it quite confusing to play, so having simple instructions to follow might help 
with that.

Idea for streamlining Space Battles: The person initiating the Space Battle has 
to provide eir hash in the same message e initiates the Space Battle. Then, the 
second person doesn't need to use a hash at all (there's no point, since the 
first player can't change the energy e decided on). That means the first person 
can reveal eir hash, resolving the Space Battle, in only the second message e 

Both of these are good ideas and I will probably implement them.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, November 1, 2018 1:31 AM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Comments on comments below.

On 10/31/2018 5:50 PM, Gaelan Steele wrote:

Comments inline

On Oct 31, 2018, at 2:19 PM, ATMunn iamingodsa...@gmail.com wrote:
So I've been working on the space proposal some more. It's taken me a lot longer than I 
thought it would, but I've made a ton of progress. I still have that feeling that there's 
something super important I've missed, but I can't think of it. Of course, this 
"update" doesn't really include any more features, but I still want to get the 
core working first. There's a changelog at the bottom, by the way.
Title: "spaaace? v0.2"
AI: 1
Author: ATMunn
Co-author(s): [probably lots of people]
Enact a new rule entitled "Sectors", with power 1.0 and the following
Sector Count is an untracked singleton switch, which is always the
number of active players plus two.

Can just be "The Sector Count is equal to the number of active players plus two. 

Imminent Sector is an singleton switch, tracked by the Spacekeepor,
defaulting to 1. Every time a player receives a Welcome Package, the
Imminent Sector is increased by one. If the Imminent Sector ever is
greater than the current Sector Count, it is instead set to 1.
[does this rule even work like I want it to?]
Enact a new rule entitled "The Spacekeepor", with power 1.0 and the
following text:
The Spacekeepor [name suggestions?] is an office; its holder is the
recordkeepor of space. [I don't know if the second clause is even
necessary but it sounds cool]


Sure, if nobody has anything better.

The Spacekeepor's Weekly Report shall include:

1.  all players' Spaceship switches;
2.  the current Imminent Sector;
3.  a list of which players are in which sectors; and
4.  all space battles that have occured since the last report.

IIRC you don’t need to mention switches (they are already tracked by the 
Don’t need to require listing players in sectors, that’s already a switch

Redundancy is nice. But idk maybe I'll take it out.

Enact a new rule entitled "Spaceships", with power 1.0 and the following
Each active player has a set of Switches, collectively known as
Spaceship switches, all tracked by the Spacekeepor. Each of the
following is a Spaceship switch, with its possible values being any
integer in the specified range:

Probably a good idea for switches not to go away when a player becomes inactive.

Probably, I just don't want players fighting against their zombies.

Sector, with an inclusive range of 1 to the current Sector Count;

     Energy, with an inclusive range of 0 to 20; and

Armour, with an inclusive range of 0 to 10.
A player with a particular Sector value is considered to be "in"
said Sector.
Any player CAN, by announcement, increase eir Armour by 1 at any
time, spending a coin to do so. This is called Repairing.
A player with an Armour switch of 0 is considered to be Defeated.
Defeated players CANNOT flip any of eir Spaceship switches except
Enact a new rule entitled "Energy", with power 1.0 and the following text:
Whenever a player's Energy switch is increased by an amount, that
player is said to have gained that amount of Energy; likewise, when
a player's Energy is decreased by an amount, that player is said to
have lost (syn. spent) that amount of Energy. [is this necessary?]
Any player CAN, by announcement, gain 2 Energy at any time, as long
as e has not done so in the last 24 hours. Any player also CAN, by
announcement, gain any amount of Energy, spending twice that amount
in coins to do so, regardless of the last time e gained energy. If
doing either of these actions would put the player's Energy above
20, then eir Energy is instead set to 20.
At any time, any player CAN, by announcement, change eir Sector,
spending an amount of Energy equivalent to the difference between
eir current Sector and the new Sector. This is known as moving to a
Sector. An attempt to move to a Sector outside the range of possible
Sector values is INEFFECTIVE and no Energy is lost. A player CANNOT
move if eir Energy is 0.

“At any time” is unnecessary.

Enact a new rule entitled "Space Battles", with power 1.0 and the
following text:
A player in the same Sector as another player CAN, by announcement,
engage in a Space Battle with the other player as long as neither
-is currently Defeated;
-has engaged in a Space Battle in the last 24 hours; or
-has fewer than 2 Energy.

What if they’re currently in a space battle?

Good point.

     After the start of a Space Battle, both players involved CAN, and

SHALL in a timely fashion, announce the SHA-512 hash of the amount
of Energy e wishes to spend in the battle. Players are ENCOURAGED to
add extra text to what they hash to prevent memorization of hashes,
as long as the amount is still clear.

     Once both players in a Space Battle have announced a hash, each

player then CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, announce the
original text that e hashed. Once both players have done this, each
player then loses the amount of Energy e specified, or if this
amount would put eir Energy below 0, eir Energy is set to 0. Each
player's Armour is also reduced by the amount of Energy eir opponent
lost. The Space Battle is then over.

This means a Space Battle can take up to two weeks (timely fashion = a week). 
Also, there’s no rule saying that you can only spend energy you have—I can just 
say “1000” and win. Also, make sure people can’t “double spend” by announcing 
their energy for a space battle, then running off to the other side of the 

Yeah, not sure on the whole time limit thing. Also, you can't just put
1000 and win or whatever. Damage is only dealt based on the amount lost,
not the amount specified. And yeah, I should make it so players in a
space battle can't move.

Failing to announce either a hash or the original text in a timely
fashion is the class-2 crime of Being a Bad Space Captain.
After a Space Battle is over, if either player's Armour was reduced
by more than the other player's, the one whose Armour was reduced by
the least is declared the Winner, and the other player the Loser.
Enact a new rule entitled "Fame", with power 1.0 and the following text:
Every player has a Fame switch, with possible values being all
integers between -10 and 10. Players with positive Fame are Famous,
and those with negative Fame are Infamous.

     If a player is the Winner in a Space Battle against an Infamous
     player, eir Fame is increased by 1. Likewise, if a player is the
     Winner in a Space Battle against a Famous player or one with a Fame
     of 0, eir Fame is decreased by 1.

If a player's Fame is ever increased above 10, it is instead set to
10. Likewise, if it is ever decreased below -10, it is instead set
to -10.
Any player whose Fame is either 10 or -10 CAN win the game With 2
Days Notice.
Amend rule 2499 "Welcome Packages" by appending the following text:
A player who has just received a Welcome Package also has eir Energy
set to 15, eir Armour set to 20, and eir Sector set to the current
Imminent Sector.

This is a bit awkward—someone can avoid being in a sector by never getting a 
welcome package.

Yeah, dunno about that one. I mean, I do kinda feel like it should be an
optional game. But not being in a sector but still having other switches
would be a bit weird.

Set the Energy of each player to 15.
Set the Armour of each player to 20.
For each active player, going in alphabetical order, do the following:
-Set eir Sector to the current Imminent Sector
-Increase the Imminent Sector by 1, setting it to 1 if it would go over
the current Sector Count.

I kinda feel like this should be random instead of alphabetical, but I’m not 
sure it’s actually necessary.Randomness in Agora is a hassle, I feel. If you 
have a better idea of

how to mix it up, then go ahead.

Make [sombody] the Spacekeepor.
General Changes
-Basically rewrote everything
-Added version number
-Added powers to the rules
-Made spaceships a set of switches
-Added the Spacekeepor for keeping track of space
-Welcome packages set spaceship switches
-Everybody gets their spaceship switches set
-Changed Sectors to be the number of active players plus two
-Players can move to the sector number above or below their current one
-New switch called Imminent Sector, basically makes new players not
start in the same sector as everybody else
-Power is now Energy
-Energy is used for movement as well as battle
-Energy can be gained every day, or coins can be spent to gain extra
-New switch, Armour, which is essentially the spaceship's health
-Armour can be Repaired by 1 by spending 2 coins
-Destroyed is no longer a switch, instead players with 0 Armour are
Space Battles
-Players can no longer space battle if they have been in a space battle
in the last 24 hours
-Players can no longer space battle if either of them has fewer than 2
-Bidding on amount of Energy spent is now only done once, with a hash
-No more deadline for announcing a hash
-Win condition for fame of 10 or -10; players must give 2 days notice

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