Huh, I was sure I awarded myself one last night after seeing the post. I guess I didn't.

On 11/1/2018 1:46 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

Oh foo,  I award a Violet ribbon to each of the below-indicated persons
who doesn't have one yet.

Notice of Honour
+1 twg (reminding us)
-1 Trigon (a little less helpful then twg here :P )

On Wed, 31 Oct 2018, Reuben Staley wrote:
*Technically*, any player can award any other player a ribbon e has earned.
I'm not going to do that, though. I award myself a Violet Ribbon.

On 10/30/2018 02:08 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
The following players earned Violet Ribbons for participating in PAoaM and
can still claim them up until Saturday:


(I internally debated with myself about whether to remind you, but my
fairness-loving side won out.)



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